Example sentences of "i 'd [verb] in " in BNC.

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1 I 'd dressed in my long dress , eaten breakfast bedu fashion , discussed the children 's health with the Sheikha over coffee — the Youngest Son had had far too many headaches and his usual teasing and joking had n't been seen for days .
2 I 'd joined in trying to control the thing by now as Gillian found she could n't manage curves on her own .
3 They made no effort to withdraw , or temper their gaze or remarks , and I struggled to maintain the sort of meditational dispassion which I 'd observed in my cat on its box .
4 No apparently I 'd gone in the bog , I was n't feeling bad or anything .
5 Wisps of rumour I 'd heard in the cafes started to fall together .
6 Maybe I was just a provincial or something , but I began to see that I was among the strangest audience I 'd seen in that place .
7 It was the corniest , happiest , most affectionate movie I 'd seen in years .
8 Only the diehards used them now , that was the first one I 'd seen in captivity for some months .
9 ‘ I 'm not Superman , my dear , ’ he made her bruised chin immediately better with that warm-sounding ‘ my dear , ’ ‘ so what else could I do — and I own that I was n't thinking at all too clearly — but appeal to the pride I 'd seen in you ? ’
10 AS a student , all I 'd done in a hospital was two weeks as a medical student , wandering around .
11 I the work I 'd done in the past the training I 've had the experience I 've had with Hector and his work that was all leading up to that .
12 Then a film that I 'd made in India opened , and the producer of the film gave me a list of agents ' names , and said , ‘ You are going to be a star .
13 So , there 's me , in agony with me ankle , hobbling over to the hole that I 'd made in the wall of the office .
14 Now that the little spot of reality I 'd made in this mean city has been so lightly abandoned by those I 'd thought it would be safe with — but you wo n't catch me compromising with the lackeys .
15 Lineker was disappointed and said : ‘ The funny thing is , against Sweden was the best I 'd felt in the whole tournament . ’
16 ‘ It was because I could n't stop myself , because I was driven by the need to know if what I 'd felt in Sintra had been real and still existed .
17 The welcome from son and wife was the first warmth I 'd felt in seven days .
18 On a taxi ride across the Clyde Valley — Hamilton , Motherwell , Wishaw going with my father to the psychiatric hospital where my mother had just been admitted , I was overwhelmed by the past , not just the place names that had filled my childhood when I 'd lived in this part of Scotland over twenty years before , but another past to which I had even less access : a prelude to my own .
19 But that was only because I 'd lived in it for a long time and I got a discount so the house was really
20 I was in a fever of vicarious excitement , looking at street plans of Florence and trying to remember the name of a boy I 'd met in the Boboli Gardens in 1961 , but friends and relations were wanting to know whether I had really vetted the family , whether I 'd like to hear a selection of au pair horror stories , and whether I 'd made good any gaps in my daughter 's domestic skills .
21 On the other side of the road lived another Brit I 'd met in France .
22 There could 've been something there , someone I 'd met in the past that might open another door . ’
23 After I 'd got rid of about half the beer I 'd drunk in the Arms , I went to have another look at the Factory .
24 ‘ I suppose I came down on impulse , but as soon as I got here I wished I 'd stayed in the house .
25 But I lied about the afternoon and I was worried when you wanted to keep the betting slips because you probably know that one of the horses won and I would have won quite a lot of money if I 'd stayed in the betting shop .
26 Then I met my husband and was sure I 'd fallen in love with him because he cared so much .
27 But it had all happened so quickly — and I knew so little about you — except that I 'd fallen in love with you . ’
28 It did n't take me long to realise I 'd fallen in love with love rather than with Dave . ’
29 At that moment there came a faint scratching from the box I 'd built in the corner last evening for the pigeon .
30 I 'd like to remind him that 's nothing to the idiot he made of himself on All Fools Day last when he found the dead stoat I 'd placed in the pulpit .
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