Example sentences of "i mean we [vb base] " in BNC.

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1 Different weeks I mean we concentrate on wallets because of the pitch .
2 I mean we hope to sell our erm favours , we hope to sell other things .
3 I mean we hope we 're doing the right thing , and as I say the response we 're getting seems to indicate that , but we have not erm followed through each of we have a large number of participants every year , you see , in the order of about erm a hundred and fifty each year , so very difficult for you to try and follow through the fate of each of them .
4 Erm and it , it was us , I mean not only do we , I mean we develop her a a response , that means , we , we work with Councillor 's we work with Senior Officer 's in other departments and we look at the policy angles , like for example with , with that piece of legislation , when , when we first realised what the impact for that legislation was , it was gon na mean that we were ten million pound short in our housing money basically , that was , that was what it looked like on the surface and you think oh my god how you gon na make up for that short fall , that would mean an eleven pound a week rise in rent , that 's what it worked out as , so , well we ca n't do that , how , and then you have to look at the legislation and you say what are the loop holes here , and erm , and it involves contacting outside organisations and getting there opinion and finding out what other Council 's are doing and responding to things like this , and we did come up with a way , of , of reducing that deficit , but that 's the kind of thing we do .
5 I mean we support The Porch financially and with people going to work there precisely for the same reason .
6 I mean we come out with erm an equation that look like so expected price and T is a function right it 's the sum of gamma into one minus gamma into J into P T minus one minus J and J goes to infinity .
7 I mean we eat that much veg vegetables
8 That 's something we , we , that 's what we found and one of the things we have got is this youth bus actually operating in the town and it erm , it 's running three nights a week , we ca n't cover every bit of the town , but it goes to different area 's of the town , The Stow , and Old Harlow , I mean we 've actually got quite good relationship 's with , with , with the young people in Old Harlow , but erm , I mean we ca n't cover every night , I mean there is a problem , of erm , you know , you you get from a position where you recognise it , you , you , you need to start catering for a particular group and it takes a long time getting there .
9 We can do , we 've just got to , I mean we 've just got to ask everyone to give a very brief report erm on another occasion and then it can be kept very short , I think though , there are , there are times when , when , you know , we do want to hear what 's going on with sort of er networks and campaigns , we do need that time as well do n't we , er so we ca n't , I do n't think we can always do it .
10 so , I mean we 've erm , I mean I 've developed a relationship with David at Coslow
11 Already we can give you these numbers I mean we 've got
12 You know , all this is I mean we 've got a month actually which is a good thing but erm surely you must have some sort of agreements with the union and your and
13 we had a lot of affection for it really and , I mean we 've had it so long and it was the first furniture we had when we married
14 But are n't , are n't changes are n't these changes er in Russia and in China forced upon them to a degree by circumstances , by the fact that the outside world immediately withdraws and opposes a rising of the people as a whole against the established government er I mean we 've seen in recent times with Iran and so on have n't we ?
15 Can we go back to that , I mean we 've heard that they 're good for tourism
16 That 's taken , i i it refers to Pagan festivals that have happened in the past , i i I mean we 've invented our own rituals as well , but based on the May Queen figure .
17 Not lots I mean we 've probably
18 You know what can be done elsewhere and how we can best utilize existing staff , it may well be as somebody has said , that I mean we 've got Rachel there , just to pick on one post , where you 're , cos it 's one I happen to know what 's she , what 's she supposed to be doing .
19 I mean we 've just
20 I mean we 've only got to have a look at the recent events in London went on about the insurances over the bombings over the weekend have n't we ?
21 Erm not too bad , I mean we 've done a The last thing I done at at the night school , was a historogram .
22 Well the the powers , I mean we 've got the powers of there is an offence of depositing litter .
23 But this is the interest rate dip we 're in here , I mean we 've seen , we 've seen I reckon we 're somewhere around here , we could be either side of that , but I think what we 're going to find next year is that the Chancellor , because he 's had to keep interest rates low and he 's stimulating the economy , er you 're going to find that eventually he 's going to have to push interest rates up to control inflation .
24 But you 've got to make a mental leap , because I mean for the last five years , things have been pretty horrible , since eighty seven really , I mean we 've only had the pick up in the last year .
25 But I mean we 've had five years of bad stockmarket performances , and in cyclical er economics I think if you look at the sort of post-war boom
26 It would mean I mean we 've just been involved with one of the hospital because there 's an audit commission report on costs to hospital services .
27 Erm quite a lot you just have to be honest with people and tell I mean we 've got It 's unfortunate we can threaten people if you like , it 's the wrong word to use .
28 Yeah , I mean we 've looked
29 You want , want to get the same amount , I mean we 've got a certain amount of water coming through that pipe ,
30 If the table was , I mean we 've got to get the .
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