Example sentences of "i 've read [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Over the last few months I 've read with some considerable interest and humour all the back-biting and jibing from the Pittman and Peavey camps .
2 Was it so much better than anything else I 've read on Hawking because it was written with the sensitivity and understanding of someone suffering from a disability in some ways similar to his ?
3 The new book , Kolymsky Heights , is says Sinclair-Stevenson , ‘ a wonderful , classy novel set mainly in Russia post-Gorbachev — the best thing in this genre I 've read for ages ’ .
4 I 've read through them all , but unfortunately ca n't answer 'em individually .
5 It is a good book that I , I 've read through that , it 's quite an informative .
6 I 've read about people giving MPs expensive lunches , ’ he said , with interest .
7 I 've read about you . ’
8 I 've read about that , ’ said Maud cautiously .
9 I 've read about you , ’ she went on , after a pause in which he did not answer her .
10 Mountain Lover is one of the most intriguing ( in several senses of the word ) books I 've read about the global climbing village .
11 I 've read about them in one of my stories .
12 I 've read about her in the papers of course .
13 I 've read about men like you .
14 I 've read about it , you do exercises and train yourself , and then when the time comes you pop behind a bush and reappear with the baby slung on your hip , and go on toiling in the paddy-fields as if nothing had happened . "
15 I 've read about the century of rebellions . ’
16 ‘ Yes , Sir , ’ he began , ‘ I 've read about this Mrs Simpson .
17 Though from what I 've read about eighteenth-century Eton , anything that came after that could only be a pleasant relief . ’
18 I 've read about it .
19 I 've read about it , it 's a well-known thing that mad people do . ’
20 I suppose it is , from what I 've read about it .
21 I 've read about that . ’
22 I 've read about Mr help line , I did n't realise he had a direct connection to the almighty but he 's obviously got his instructions and erm we are very pleased that he 's going along the right lines .
23 Yeah I 've read about it .
24 I 've read about the island of Madeira , but I 've never been there .
25 here which I 've read about , it 's got erm articles about the blind , dreams of the blind
26 I 've read about the Unionist delegation being bamboozled at Sunningdale , but this is a new generation of Unionists , which the SDLP did n't expect .
27 I 've read about them all , and seen nearly every video out .
28 Then you drop back into your usual slot but I tell you what if you go skiing and your not hundred percent fit or as fit as you can be from what I 've , what I 've read about it and that your gon na be in a right two and eight out there .
29 Erm talking about conservatories for which you need , I 've read about the quiz .
30 It does work that does cos I 've , I 've read about it in one of the books
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