Example sentences of "i managed [verb] my " in BNC.

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1 I managed to wriggle my hands out of the tape so I could pull down the gag , poke my head out of the sack and breathe more freely .
2 I was about to say , If Eva and Dad get married you 'll be my brother and we 'll have committed incest , but I managed to shut my trap .
3 The sheep were very curious and made a bee-line for me but I managed to push my way through to the birds .
4 This platform was also fast filling up , but I managed to edge my way along the wall-walk to the shade of a chattri at the south-east corner .
5 But I managed to talk my way out of them , with luck and with help from Fritz and Sapt .
6 My eyes gradually became accustomed to the gloom , and I managed to grope my way to the station .
7 Temporarily I managed to re-erect my jocular facade , but inside I was panicking .
8 ‘ Well , I was n't until I managed to put my hands on a source for old Lord Pottleton , the Labour peer who had the castle outside San Pietro .
9 I managed to persuade my husband that we should send daughter number three to what is reliably known as the most expensive school in Britain .
10 I still wanted to see more of the world , and as he was offering to give me double the usual pay , I managed to persuade my wife to let me go .
11 Luckily , I am a good swimmer , so I managed to keep my head out of the milk .
12 So that 's me got four and I 've got another five to do and I had a telephone call from field controller in Edinburgh last night and I really do think I do n't know how I managed to keep my tongue still .
13 However , I managed to prise my one good eye open .
14 I managed to punch my boilie out to the edge of a gravel bar about 60 yeards out , but I had to play the fish towards the top as I brought it in because there are a lot of boulders on the bottom , ’ explained Lee .
15 But when I managed to convert my body into something trim and neat , my personality changed too .
16 I managed to get my key in the door and immediately forgot about my rescuer .
17 ‘ I mean that , when the client suggested giving our sales force a taste of the product they were selling , I had to put it all together at ultra-short notice — and the only way I managed to get my people to drop everything and come was by stressing how much I relied on each of them individually .
18 I managed to get my seat belt off and ducked down in the seat to get out of range of the gunshots . ’
19 Meanwhile , I was struggling to unfasten myself , but just as I managed to pull my left arm free of the ropes , I felt a hundred arrows land on my free hand , and more arrows on my face and body .
20 Although I managed to flog my tickets to a couple of touts , this month 's expenditure still leaves 40 quid unaccounted for .
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