Example sentences of "i to be able " in BNC.

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1 The main reason for fishing the middle line of the river today is that with a head wind it is the safest distance for me to be able to loosefeed easily .
2 Well , it is too disgusting for me to be able to tell you .
3 I fear that we can not return to Salzburg very soon and mamma must not wish it , for she knows how much good it is doing me to be able to breathe freely .
4 But the experience had been short and isolated and the moonlight had given it a sufficient touch of unreality for me to be able to fire my machine gun at everything I saw without scruple .
5 ‘ It 's great for me to be able to turn down offers worth £6.5m for two players in a fortnight , ’ he said .
6 But this was too soon in my own development for me to be able to grasp the opportunity and eventually the shop closed down and Mr Farrer moved on .
7 It would delight me to be able to buy you presents ; to take you with me to my friends ' houses , to the theatre , to Biarritz , to Cannes — wherever it pleased you to go . ’
8 Later , I managed to contact him and after a preliminary meeting , which lasted some thirteen hours , he was gracious enough to supply me with large-scale copies of maps of the area for me to be able to check his work — generosity indeed !
9 Certainly not as bright as here , er sufficient light for me to be able to see that there were people in there and to differentiate between a man and a woman but er at that time not enough to be able to clearly define anybody .
10 Now you do n't have to rely on this , because you can ring through to head office in the evening , or you can ring through your branch while that 's open , and get a computer quote over the phone , but actually find it quite useful if somebody asks me to be able to give them an idea of how much it 's going to cost them .
11 It 'd be quite nice for me to be able to pop into town and get a bit of meat or something
12 Everything has to be just so for me to be able to learn .
13 But then why me to be able to do four four Q P R ?
14 so you close him on his final objection , you listen , you then sell him his objection , right , you sell him his objection , right , you confirm his answer , right , whatever he says to you and his answer you actually confirm it back to him , you do n't interrupt him , right , you do n't guess where he 's at , right and basically if work through a system you 'll get on there , now for me to be able to , to , to , what I 've just said to you is a load of garbage , but if I was sitting I was sitting actually go through each one of these steps and that 's what you term as a closing sequence , you see what I mean ?
15 It took ages for me to be able to get a
16 erm I do n't have a relative in the Gulf erm but I for my own peace of mind , I wanted to keep up to date with things that were going on erm and also for my husband really , he is at out at work all day and I , you know it was nice when he came home from work for me to be able to tell him exactly what went on .
17 And so this is something that is going to touch an awful lot of people if it does turn sour , so all the more reason for me to be able to explain how I see it , and as I say , to hear how , what people think about the crisis .
18 and they 're , the cupboard is far back enough for me to be able to get to the top , even though there 's only a doorway there
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