Example sentences of "i should [verb] thought " in BNC.

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1 I should 've thought that was pretty plain . ’
2 I should 've thought you 'd be tired of that by now .
3 I should 've thought you 'd want him to know . ’
4 I should 've thought of invoking that long since .
5 I should have thought that is part of the reality with which legislators are faced , part of the situation within which they operate .
6 ‘ Parysatis did it with a chicken and I should have thought of it before . ’
7 I should have thought Professor Lejeune 's research and clinical findings on prevention of deterioration in Down 's children by administration of folic acid or thyroxine in appropriate cases to be particularly newsworthy .
8 I should have thought that , in the abstract , no one was likely to quarrel with that statement .
9 Yet , when I was seven years old , I should have thought him a very silly little boy indeed not to have understood about metaphorically speaking , even if he had never heard of it , and it does seem that what he possessed in the way of scientific approach he lacked in common sense .
10 Not many other people take it , either , but we could all read in our own newspapers that it was supporting Labour , and I should have thought a normal reaction among honest Britons , who have grown to mistrust businessmen in the age of takeovers , would be to do the opposite .
11 I should have thought of it before .
12 I should have thought it was obvious , ’ said Robyn with an airy gesture that embraced the room and its furnishings .
13 I should have thought that even you knew better than to leave the car hermetically sealed .
14 I should have thought so . ’
15 When asked by a government committee what people were to do who could not afford 5s. a week rent for a room , her answer was , ‘ I should have thought that when the cost of living rose the wages must necessarily rise , or something more efficient be done .
16 This seems an odd argument for smoking to me and , I should have thought , to smokers , too .
17 I do not know what the Anglo-Saxons called a rabbit , a candidate for description , I should have thought .
18 In London , I should have thought , it would be out of the question , unless traffic was channelled into a small number of routes , so making congestion worse .
19 It 's very important to me — and , I should have thought , to you too .
20 I should have thought anyone with a grain of sensitivity would realise how painful it is for all of us to have this all raked up again .
21 And marriage , I should have thought , is a false step you must have been well warned against .
22 As an ex-schoolmistress I should have thought she 'd had her fill of children and I make no pretence at understanding them . ’
23 It 's a Sunday-school hymn , hardly the kind that gets requested on Songs of Praise , I should have thought . ’
24 I should have thought that it had a hell of a lot to do with you . ’
25 ‘ The picture of Liz on the sofa — she was a woman alone in a room ; as only God , I should have thought , could possibly have seen her .
26 I should have thought … with the new baby … ’
27 I should have thought more deeply before I agreed , but that 's not how fools charge in .
28 I should have thought about this before , he thought .
29 I should have thought Malawi was the one country any right-thinking person would be trying to support . ’
30 ‘ Her brother , possibly , but not , I should have thought for long and certainly not at any risk to herself .
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