Example sentences of "i would look [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Often , I would n't bother to try things on — I 'd look at the price tag and think ‘ I 've got to have this , ’ especially if I thought it was a ‘ bargain ’ I might not see again .
2 Every month I 'd look at my diary with a feeling of dread and try to keep the week free .
3 Then I 'd look at the fields of beans , glossy in the moonlight , hanging fat and glossy .
4 Often times when I was going into the country after orders and so on in the autumn , I 'd look at a field that had been freshly ploughed up after the harvest ; and I 'd think to myself how much like a piece of Doncaster Cord it was — colour , straight lines and everything . ’
5 I ca n't say I 've ever worried about it , I just thought I 'd look at it when I got there .
6 I 'd look at that .
7 Yeah , but you see , I 'd look at you and I would n't even notice !
8 I mean the way I 'd look at it , would look at it if something of happened to John , well I still go
9 And I 'd look on the field and it was his brother who 'd been tackled . ’
10 On the whole I 'd look for a combination of striking colours and light .
11 I 'd look for something upbeat , ’ he replies .
12 On the whole I 'd look for a combination of colours and light .
13 I 'd look round the kitchen
14 ‘ If I had been what you 'd imagined , I 'd look like an assassin , and you 'd say I was too obvious . ’
15 I 'd look like the flying nun . ’
16 I 'd look after you lovingly .
17 ‘ Come to think of it , I 'd look after him anyway .
18 I said I 'd look after you , did n't I ? ’
19 He kept wondering how I 'd look after myself when he 'd gone . ’
20 I 'd look after you .
21 I 'd look after you , only the easy fences and all that . ’
22 You know I 'd look after her . ’
23 For the hybrids I would look for L. ‘ Golden Splendor ’ ( yellow ) , L. ‘ Pink Perfection ’ ( deep pink ) , L. ‘ Tabasco ’ ( crimson red ) but the many varieties available are all equally beautiful .
24 Sun flower limping , water less vase , suffering eyes , desperados in caged , so from , from that painting I had a tremendous feel of something undergoing tremendous suffering and seem very desperate about the situation , and I did n't just see that in , in the picture of Van Gogh , but I could see that in the sun flower , so as , as a writer its images like that , that I would look for and open up and turn into characters or a way of portraying a particular mood , erm , the next one , were doing very well
25 I would look for strategically positioned places , such as a corner or perhaps set high off the street .
26 ‘ Look , if I were hungry , I mean really hungry , starving , I would look for food everywhere , would n't I ?
27 I thought I would look at your file , to see if I could pick up any hints from how you had dealt with it . ’
28 Was it a scene which in later years I would look at with nostalgia , even longing ?
29 I would look at myself in the mirror , check out the grey hairs , trace the emerging lines and fading lip line and ask myself , ‘ Why ? ’
30 I would look at it again , and see if it had been totally destroyed .
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