Example sentences of "it [vb -s] gone [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Occasionally it has gone outside Westminster .
2 It is small wonder that Dr Underwood finds it a ‘ little disconcerting ’ as the inference of the inquiry , as far as it has gone at present , would appear to be that it is better for a child to stay in East London sleeping irregular hours in ill ventilated shelters and eating fish and chips than to have fresh air conditions in one of our Camps with regular hours of sleep and plenty of well prepared wholesome food ( in which vegetables fresh from the garden play a large part ) forming a diet balanced in accordance with the best advice obtainable from the Board of Education and others …
3 Most of it is ‘ Convent'-ional and so far ‘ Nun ’ of it has gone off the books !
4 THE DUKE of Westminster , said to be Britain 's richest man , has resigned from the Conservative Party , claiming it has gone off the rails .
5 SLUMP is where the recession is heading to once it has gone through depression .
6 In the next , only two-hundredths of a second later , it has gone through the release .
7 It has gone through several more face-lifts , and is now a thriving resort world , especially popular among the fast-moving , free spending hot burners of the galaxy .
8 Lord Macaulay said : ‘ I 'm very pleased that it has gone through so readily .
9 Competition in facilities at home and abroad would prevail , Spottiswoode believed , for a generation to come — we know that it has gone on ever since .
10 Over the years it has gone on such a long time .
11 It has gone on sale in ’ One Village ’ shops in the region .
12 - British Rail issue a new timetable and you have a nasty suspicion that they have juggled it around so that they have deleted a few trains and cut out that convenient late night one , and you look for your old timetable to check but it has gone with the wind .
13 Literary criticism is doing here what it often does : it has gone for the faults and , in so doing , inverted the truth .
14 Now that it has flown the nest and decamped to Arden Hills , Minnesota , Control Data Systems Inc feels confident enough to start making acquisitions , and for its first , it has gone for Evernet Systems Inc , a Los Angeles network systems integrator that inter alia sells NetFrame Systems Inc servers .
15 Now that it has flown the nest and decamped to Arden Hills , Minnesota , Control Data Systems Inc feels confident enough to start making acquisitions , and for its first , it has gone for Evernet Systems Inc , a Los Angeles network systems integrator that sells NetFrame Systems Inc servers .
16 None of us expected it to go to the proportions it has gone to .
17 Most of it has gone to three institutions : the British Museum , RADA and the National Gallery of Ireland .
18 It has gone to German manufacturer ASI GmbH , and ASI will now supply products to the Tandon sales and marketing subsidiaries in Europe .
19 Although normally only architects qualify for the RIBA 's Gold Medal ( considered the world 's most prestigious award for architecture ) , this year it has gone to an Irish structural engineer , the fifty-six year old Peter Rice .
20 Now it has gone to heads of state round Africa .
21 I am sorry that he is disappointed that the order did not go to Swan 's , but I can assure him that there was fair play and it has gone to Yarrow .
22 Cos I do n't know where it has gone to .
23 It has gone into a room to have water showering on it , ’ said the Thing .
24 I know that not all of it has gone into cricket , but as we know that the Prime Minister , the chairman of the foundation and at least two of the trustees are cricket fanatics , we can expect that perhaps £5 million has been granted to cricket .
25 Yet Faldo insists in the article : ‘ It has gone past being a match .
26 The effect is accentuated if the c.g. is near the aft limit and , in some cases , it is doubtful whether there is sufficient elevator authority to stop the pitching once it has gone beyond the early stages .
27 It has gone in repaying the overseas debt that we inherited from the last Labour Government .
28 It 's gone up the wall over the top
29 So I left mine to be done with and er where it 's gone since then is anybody 's guess .
30 Then it 's gone into the dark , into the wood further .
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