Example sentences of "it [is] not merely " in BNC.

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1 It 's not merely a false stance though : the only person who knows the real Morrissey , his mother , has proved this on many occasions by telephoning Rough Trade 's office to complain about their handling of her delicate son .
2 It 's not merely the camera you are focusing : you are focusing yourself .
3 I mean it 's not merely recognizing that past land reforms did n't work , it 's a totally different policy .
4 It is not merely a question of its vastness ( it is the second largest country in the world , measuring 9.2 million square kilometres ) , but its breathtaking grandeur : God 's own country , as the Canadians delight to call it .
5 It is not merely the gracious bow they give each other before they begin , nor the even more gracious one when she submits to the prince , sinking to the ground with head bent low .
6 If Dr Runcie sees self-interest , self-righteousness and an intolerant and uncharitable disregard for the unsuccessful and the unemployed , it is not merely his right but his duty to speak out .
7 It is not merely the fact of Saatchi selling works that has upset the dealers , but the manner in which he has done so .
8 It is not merely the passivity but the subjugation of opinion .
9 The conduct element is causing ‘ actual bodily harm ’ , which has been given the wide definition of ‘ any hurt or injury calculated to interfere with the health or comfort of the victim ’ so long as it is not merely transient or trifling' .
10 It is not merely a sexual offence , but one of the deepest breaches of trust which can take place in a family-based society .
11 It is not merely a social call , Joan .
12 It is not merely a matter of the known constituents of food ; fibre , protein , carbohydrates , fats , vitamins , minerals , and trace elements in the correct proportions .
13 If you are a self starter and have decided on your own initiative that your boss needs yet another report , then check that you do possess convincing evidence that the issue is significant and it is not merely you that wishes to seem important .
14 It is not merely that ‘ state capitalist trusts ’ compete on the world market , but that their creation has brought about a new and different model of production relations .
15 In other words , it is not merely the circumstances of the immediate production process which determine if labour is productive , but the total social circumstances , including the use to which products are put , which determine post hoc whether the labour involved has been productive or not .
16 It is not merely a matter of whether planning permission is required and , if so , whether it is likely to be granted , but also of how long it will take .
17 Nonsense provides a particularly interesting case , especially that of Lewis Carroll ( 1865 , p.77 ) , for it is not merely the absence of sense but a means of playing with logic :
18 It is not merely the northerly situation of Champagne which is responsible for its unique climate , the region is also influenced by the Atlantic .
19 A sentence of this kind would be an interesting test for advanced foreign students of the English language because it is not merely unepigrammatic but devoid of meaning .
20 It is not merely striptease clubs in general that provide the context for interpretation , it is specifically ‘ Parisian striptease ’ .
21 Despite creating a theory with a series of levels of semiosis it fails to support the substantive analyses in Mythologies where Barthes 's examples show that it is not merely the formal structure of signification that he is interested in .
22 It is not merely the study of dogmas as accumulated down through the centuries ( as in the Roman Catholic understanding of dogmatics ) , but their critical subordination to and testing by the primary and original dogma , which is nothing other than Jesus Christ himself .
23 It is not merely that without a hold on the representation problem we can not discover the relevant content in the historical record ; without understanding that problem , we can not adequately control the idea that there is any relevant content at all .
24 It is not merely that classics are ambiguous ; it is also that ambiguous texts are more available for the debate which elevates literature to classic status .
25 But it is not merely the minimum content of natural law which supports such a view .
26 It is not merely that Mansell is Britain 's leading driver — no other Briton has won a Grand Prix for nine years — but that he is someone fans can identify with .
27 But the expectations involved in roles are not simply one-directional ; it is not merely the case that a person is expected to play a role in certain typical ways .
28 It is not merely a final precaution taken by couples near the end of their fecund life .
29 The British Medical Journal in 1907 quoted with approval the view of an American doctor that in higher education ‘ It is not merely her mind that is unsexed , but her body loses much of that special charm that attracts men .
30 It is not merely the case that some subjects have been numerically dominated by men and others numerically dominated by women ; as Keller ( 1983 ) has argued , science is generally regarded as more masculine than the arts :
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