Example sentences of "it [is] [adv] impossible " in BNC.

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1 It 's practically impossible to say no to someone who 's actually loaded their rucksack into your boot and clipped on their seatbelt .
2 That means that it 's practically impossible for a landowner to enforce restrictions unless you 're setting fire to his house or driving a JCB over his grouse moor .
3 I mean , it 's practically impossible to know that
4 It 's not impossible .
5 We 'll need a few lucky breaks on the way to do it , but it 's not impossible , ’ said midfielder David Phillips .
6 Well it 's not impossible that er that that developments er can take place erm without erm without having some effects , but what what I 'm basically saying is that erm it it er it would n't be a serious effect acceptable in normal planning terms .
7 I I you said , It 's not impossible .
8 It 's not impossible for development to take place even with these constraints .
9 ‘ I had n't thought of that , ’ said Scarlet , ‘ but I suppose it 's not impossible , when you come to think of it . ’
10 ‘ I mean , it 's not impossible that the police 'll get a search warrant for my place .
11 It 's not impossible , ’ Gabriel said .
12 In fact it 's not impossible they had an arrangement .
13 I , I think I would be unwise too to make a forecast , so all , all I can say is there are some enquiries around of er , people who appear to be interested but erm , er , you know , the burden hangs quite a lot , you know the burden 's still , the is quite a long way away still , but it 's not impossible we could sell some more land .
14 Right , it 's not impossible because what tends to happen is that you can erm , you can change the product mix of what the consumer receives .
15 It 's not impossible because er
16 But the campaigning group the prison reform trust says it 's not impossible for drugs to get into prison this way .
17 It 's generally impossible to compress such files — the program sees each overlay as corrupt data .
18 It 's just impossible .
19 With hair as long as mine it 's just impossible without one — I did n't have one for three weeks .
20 Twenty-two women , eight washbasins , two toilets , it 's just impossible ; twenty minutes to do all that and bunk your bed as well , and if you 're sleeping in a bunk in a crowded room you 're falling over each other trying to fold your sheets and blankets at the same time .
21 But you ca n't , it 's just impossible , cos you live in the ar , you know Green , you 're like a second class citizen , you know .
22 It 's just impossible . ’
23 We had to have solved so much problems and I just this way and I just would n't have it you know it 's just impossible it 's impossible and I hummed and hawed which way and hummed and hawed which way .
24 what they are doing you see , an authorized dealer , well even a non-authorized dealer get hold of a piece of kit and then somebody say want this system , right okay , and they just have a big load of forms for maintenance agreements and all they do the dealer 'll go along and put this kit in , B T 'll come along and say yeah that conforms to regulations , sign here , the customer er sign here , the dealer send the maintenance agreement to us , we signed it , send it back , we 've never even seen it , then we turn up and find that the main control unit 's high up in the attic or in a damp cellar , in a cupboard where you ca n't see it , there 's no light and stuff like that and we 're taking jobs on like that and it you know , it 's just impossible to work on them
25 Of course , it 's also impossible to predict revolution , and we can only recognise the revolutionary character of a particular development after it has happened .
26 At the beginning of this talk we found Marcel asking the question , ‘ Who am I ? ’ , and personality , whether it be the self or other selves , is seen by Proust as something so changeable and mysterious , that it 's virtuously impossible to pin it down .
27 ‘ But the real difficulty arises with leisure and shopping journeys … it 's almost impossible , at present , to go shopping or to the beach or to a restaurant in LA without going by car …
28 I find TV particularly demanding , but it 's almost impossible to avoid it .
29 Filmmaking is such an enormously complex process that it 's almost impossible for the outsider to apportion blame for the success or failure of a particular project .
30 It 's almost impossible to sell anything to do with politics ’ , said Mr Weston , barely containing his excitement ; ‘ but North touches a deep wellspring in the American spirit .
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