Example sentences of "[indef pn] [that] [vb mod] be [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The response of the Treasury official upon receiving the nomination , according to the duke , was to ‘ put the presentation in his pocket , desiring me rather to name somebody that might be useful for my interest , for nobody knows this Achterlonie ’ .
2 But you do like to ha , give them something that will be useful to them .
3 You might be asked to learn a Guide song by heart , or learn to do something that will be useful at home .
4 Most governments in Africa today , whether civilian or military , democratic or dictatorial , look upon the media in general as something that should be instrumental in promoting national goals .
5 GOOD drawing ability used to be considered important at school , not only as a skill that might give expression to a child 's aesthetic and artistic inclinations , but also one that would be useful in practical ways — in recording flora and fauna in nature study , for example .
6 Other Ministers at other times may have acted differently , but the legislative context is one that would be familiar to all of them .
7 ‘ Above all , one that will be helpful to your work .
8 This is a special book to add to your ‘ technical ’ machine knitting library — one that will be invaluable for reference .
9 PETER 'S FRIENDS Kenneth Branagh 's third film confirms the emergence of a major force in the British industry and one that should be active for many years to come .
10 The Conference adopted two recommendations that call attention to the fact that the health sector is not the only one that should be concerned with mortality and that , in addition to primary health care , there are other factors that tend to reduce mortality and enhance health of mothers and children .
11 While there , he was able to forget the ritual of Monday morning when , in the darkness of winter or the bright light of summer 's early dawns , Celtic Crescent and the streets of Jewtown would be clamorous with the noise of horses being led from nearby stables and harnessed to carts , of men shouting instructions and calling to each other in Yiddish and English as they struggled under the weight of trunks and knapsacks stuffed to overflowing with clothes , fancy goods , kitchen articles , holy pictures , enlargements of family photographs — anything that might be suitable for selling from door to door on a weekly-payment basis .
12 But is there anything that must be true of all life , wherever it is found , and whatever the basis of its chemistry ?
13 We have great hope that your Majesty who always has at heart anything that can be useful for the peace of the world , will use her personal influence , as well as that of Prince Albert whose influence is so great in Germany , in order to achieve this end .
14 I want you to look for anything unusual — anything that could be due to a black hole .
15 Reaching the shed , I stepped over several mounds of brick and other rubble and went inside , looking carefully at the wet streaked brick walls searching for anything that could be identifiable with the depot .
16 For some of the street entrepreneurs such as the bookie or brothel-keeper , the shopkeeper or publican , there were some minor ways of keeping the police sweet — rarely anything that could be dignified with the name bribe .
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