Example sentences of "[indef pn] [that] [vb mod] [be] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 There was nothing that would be exempted from rigorous examination .
2 That realisation is a product of the power of rational thought which came to the emerging ‘ human' ’ being in the course of the evolutionary process , for it is in remote retrospect that man can now see that the division of the first cell was a ‘ good ’ event , and had to be defined as such for the unanswerable reason that it could not have been anything else , otherwise there was nothing that could be defined as the origin of ‘ good ’ that was not dependent on dogma and superstition .
3 Pleasant as the round of meetings had been , there was next to nothing that could be agreed as a common objective for the final communiqué .
4 Nothing that could be labelled as a breach of client-confidentiality , but enough to engage her attention .
5 There was nothing that could be used for a cradle so obviously she intended keeping it in bed with her , but Sarah had heard tales of babies being smothered like that and she was surprisingly anxious that her newly expected brother or sister would n't end up that way .
6 Clare baked nothing that could be found at the local baker and charged what she considered exorbitant prices , which people seemed happy to pay in cash .
7 There was nothing that could be adapted for lock-picking , not even a paperclip .
8 If other people have had other experiences , if if they share erm , er Nelly 's er belief there that there is nothing that can be done about it ? 's the number to dial and we 'll have some more calls in a moment .
9 Everything that could be made of iron was , from the churchyard fence and gates to the interior columns and arches , the window tracery and door frames , and even the pinnacles on the tower .
10 His aim is simple : to write a series of commentaries on the novels of Jane Austen which would say everything that could be said about them , from every conceivable angle :
11 For him , at that time and in that position , everything that could be seen between the distant boundaries of blue hill and black mountain , everything that spread below him under a fathomless heaven , was resonant with new meaning , new speech , new glory .
12 The Milanese turned to reconstruction with a will , deciding that everything that could be returned to an ‘ as before ’ condition should be .
13 Everything that can be done in preparation for the survey should therefore be done ; there is precious little that can be done afterwards without distorting the accuracy of the survey .
14 Even like that , hopelessly drunk and quite tired out , there was about him an appealing look of promise , of everything that can be meant by friendship .
15 Yes we support the principle , but the question about whether or not it should be in Ryedale district has not been erm answered by our members , and indeed it it we consider it should have wait , I mean this is answering something that 'll be discussed at later within this issue , something that should not be er assessed until after the er
16 Wester Ross , Orkney and North Yorkshire provided most of these replies but it was something that might be encouraged in remote areas or where most of the farms were part-time .
17 They have never met — something that will be rectified on Wednesday .
18 Er , it 's something that will be welcomed by the trade union movement , a new forward , a new beginning to join once again the fruits of our labour with partnership with other unions and the Labour Party which was what we all need , but it must be done with careful planning and the brains at the top of the union must be telling the of the union , the members on the shop floor , the right direction in which to walk .
19 And if Jesus is consubstantial with God , the Kingdom of Heaven need not be something that will be inaugurated on earth in the immediate future , but something external — another realm , another dimension , in which one can expect a welcome and a reserved place on one 's death .
20 ‘ You mean you came all the way into Nice to get something that could be fitted into an envelope ? ’
21 High purpose was something that could be recognized in someone , like a gleam in the eye or a tone of voice ; it meant that even when that person dabbled in something doubtful , they undoubtedly had good reason for doing so .
22 A big pie was not something that could be made in a field and cooked on a bonfire , it would require skill and expertise in the use of large ovens and these were available as they were used by the local manufacturers of earthenware pipes :
23 Jacqui had paid out a thousand pounds for something that could be reproduced at will .
24 Is it something that should be taught at home ?
25 ‘ I believe this is something that should be done at all new courses and certainly at the true championship ones .
26 For counsellors to know the limits of their competence is clearly important , and calling in specialist help is always something that should be done in good time .
27 Again , this is something that should be covered in any agreement or declaration of trust .
28 This seems to indicate that , despite his reference to sex as a fine and noble thing , he still regards it with a certain amount of misgiving , and as something that should be kept under strict control .
29 Planning Ward v Secretary of State for the Environment ; CA ( Woolf , Nicholls , Staughton LJJ ) ; 25 Sept 1989 A private garden was capable of being an ‘ open space ’ and something that should be taken into account when deciding whether a development proposed to be carried out in a conservation area would preserve or enhance the area within s 277 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1971 , as substituted , and of Circular No 8 of 1987 issued by the Secretary of State .
30 The wife is commonly , these days , a secondary source of income to the family and the loss of her income is something that should be taken into account when the claim comes to be made , together with , most importantly , the loss of the services the wife has gratuitously rendered to her family .
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