Example sentences of "[indef pn] [vb mod] [verb] she [conj] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 I excluded the whole of Scotland because she would have been a little too near home — even in Glasgow there was just the chance that someone might find her or she might bump into someone from home . ’
2 Nobody would believe her when she told them she 'd seen Mrs Sugar .
3 " Nobody would believe her when she told them she 'd seen Mrs Sugar , " How do you think the conversation went ?
4 Mom would probably give her back teeth to make a picture with McQueen but nobody would cast her if they could get Faye Dunaway .
5 They said , ‘ Well , nobody will notice her if she 's got her back to the audience , ’ but all the audience wanted to know was ‘ Why has that girl got her back to the audience , is she hideously scarred ? ’
6 When in her twenties , nothing could stop her and she was proud to remember marriages faltering and once even , Astrid 's , biting the dust .
7 In the heavenly glow of their haloed faces , nothing could harm her while she slept .
8 Going up to Scotland no one would know her so she could travel third but coming back , if the young man travelled with her — it never even entered her head that she would n't meet one — it could be embarrassing .
9 No one will miss her as you will . ’
10 Nothing can dislodge her and she has the talent for it .
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