Example sentences of "[indef pn] [prep] it [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Well up in Scotland of course we do n't need to save our rain water we get plenty of it coming from the unclear , but er one thing I would say would be that erm if we have a warm spell and the sun is beating on a bitumen roof and then of course suddenly a shower and that er goes into the water bucket or water barrel then it does give you maybe you know a few problems .
2 None of it mattered in the least . ’
3 Something about it going through the filtration of memory , I reckon . ’
4 I went over to Sheridan to ask him to be quiet and he grabbed my wrist and tried to pull me on to his lap , and I overbalanced and fell and hit the table hard where he was sitting , and I caught the cloth somehow and pulled it with me and everything on it landed on the floor .
5 Best not to say anything about it running in the family .
6 It had adopted some of the theology of sixteenth-century Reformers and some of the learning of nineteenth-century Protestant scholars , but very little of it was genuinely very modern in terms of the second half of the twentieth century , and hardly anything in it challenged in the slightest the more basic dogmas of Catholic theology , Trinitarian , incarnational and sacramental .
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