Example sentences of "it [be] making [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It 's making money me money so you ca n't go up !
2 There 's no toilets , nothing for them , I mean they 're doing everything in public , I mean it 's not right , it 's making life bad and this is meant to be a holiday resort .
3 It 's making work for everybody .
4 And then , each side of it 's making contact and it 's gone into a hole that size , and it 's moving it ai n't making contact .
5 It it 's more than that it 's it 's making lads and lasses aware of what the schemes are , I mean nobody 's ever said to them reaction to some of these schemes
6 They should be able to immerse themselves in their client 's business , whether it is making machine tools or convenience foods or selling unit trusts .
7 He added : ‘ If the Jockey Club thinks it is making progress it must believe the moon is green . ’
8 But it is making life even more difficult for those seeking to weather the already troubled economic conditions . ’
9 It is making arrangements outside for continued support of its clone customers .
10 Unfortunately it was making Charity feel like a stranger in her own skin .
11 For instance , I was writing a new song and it was making sense and suddenly these words came into my head : Once there was two Mexican women/ran over the hill/ripped off their skin/and ate it up .
12 Just like girls were there , I was there and it was making love , that 's all I saw it as .
13 Not that Melissa cared two hoots whether it was making money for Bonard or not — whatever Iris might claim , he was certainly not strapped for cash — but it was essential for Iris 's self-esteem that it should go well .
14 As far as the , the cottage er was concerned , the information about that erm the answer was oh well you know I do n't make any money out of it erm you , you asked about whether it , whether it was erm whether it was making money but you di you did n't actually ask , bearing in mind that , that , that Maggie had already said she paid tax , whether she actually de declared it for tax purposes and what , what sort , what sort of figure it showed .
15 Erm but the most unfortunate thing that Old Edward the the old chap who owned the place he was living in part of the house and Old Jane , his housekeeper , my mother she could bake bread and wash , her mother had taught her that , but it was making butter that was the problem .
16 One of Linskog 's patients had a lymphatic tumour which had become resistant to radiotherapy ; situated in the jaw , it was making eating and breathing difficult .
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