Example sentences of "it [be] unlikely that " in BNC.

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1 H.D. , nicknamed ‘ the Hama-dryad ’ , is the subject of much high-spirited comedy in the letters that Ezra and Dorothy exchanged , and this ought to provoke second thoughts in those who want to take Hilda 's account at face-value : H.D. may have honestly persuaded herself that she was the great ( though virginal ) love of Pound 's life , but it 's unlikely that Pound thought so , nor need we .
2 It 's unlikely that anybody does it too often , since trippers tend to make skiing an all-day outing , but I 've often been on the beach with people planning a ski trip next day .
3 And it 's unlikely that Chas 's grandfather got much out of the British Empire beyond , in all probability , two or three years spent serving as a soldier in India , two or three years off the dole queue .
4 TO SWIM — Swimming is claimed to be an excellent way to exercise , but unless you have regular access to a swimming pool , it 's unlikely that you will ever be able to swim enough to gain any real benefit from it .
5 ‘ It 's not likely that many will ever be acquired in this , or any other country and it 's unlikely that the catfish would ever be very popular with fishkeepers . ’
6 When the North American Indians gave fresh cranberries as a gift to the Pilgrim families , it 's unlikely that they were aware of the berries ' peculiar talent — they can bounce !
7 Consequently , it 's unlikely that anyone who is n't in their fan club is at all fussed about what this record sounds like .
8 It 's unlikely that they will allow you to use an arch to carry the load : the abutments are n't likely to be strong enough to resist the thrust .
9 If the average person fought any reasonably competent knifeman with bare hands , it 's unlikely that he or she would survive a determined effort to stab them to death .
10 They 'll jump to your tune , but it 's unlikely that they 'll hang around to hear the final Act of the opera .
11 It 's unlikely that your ‘ judges ’ are all excellent presenters .
12 It 's unlikely that the rest of the audience want to witness a massacre .
13 It 's unlikely that losing punters will get their money back !
14 These are the band 's only dates in the British Isles before their headline appearance at Reading Festival , after which it 's unlikely that the band will play here again this year .
15 It 's unlikely that this play will close the generation gap or produce many converts , but then if you 're that eager to open your mind to the joys of clubbing , going to the theatre is hardly the place to be .
16 In real terms , it 's unlikely that the UK will ever get another fix of Ministry in their current condition .
17 I chose the filename PENGUIN because it 's unlikely that you will have a file of that name on your hard disk .
18 It 's unlikely that you will be able to make use of the existing mortise , so fill the old mortise properly , as this area may need to be used for fixing to .
19 But it 's unlikely that one method will be used exclusively throughout the country .
20 Whereas a system by thirds means that it 's unlikely that the council or at least a lot of councils , will suddenly have a quick switch around and you 'll get a greater continuity of policy .
21 Erm , clearly you need to have a detrusor pressure in order to be behind that flow , and if this pressure is less than fifty then I think it 's unlikely that there 's much in the way of obstruction .
22 But it 's unlikely that the conservative party is likely , going to embark on a major distribution of wealth programme between now and the next election .
23 But it 's unlikely that the Pain Teens will ever reign there .
24 And er of course in retirement , it 's unlikely that anybody will be paying higher rate tax , unless you 've been very lucky on your pension provision .
25 Well , I mean we do n't think , we , it 's , I think it 's unlikely that this is going to , to have any effect until possibly all the f all the tenants are moved out anyway .
26 They are listed in their professional register , and while it 's unlikely that anyone will look you up , it 's possible .
27 We know that he kept away from the moor , so it 's unlikely that he waited at the moor gate every evening .
28 It 's unlikely that asking my help will be approved by your masters . ’
29 ‘ I had n't forgotten , and I 've come round to being sorry that you do , but as it 's unlikely that the hatred is going to change , and since we both know that this is ultimately inevitable , it might as well happen now . ’
30 We also have concerns about how it could erm fit in to er the countryside erm of the area er with particular reference to erm paragraph thirty three of P P G three which states that erm the net effect of any new settlement will be to enhance the environmental cause only modest environmental impact , the area in Hambledon , as Mr Wincup outlined yesterday erm is occupied essentially by the vale of York , it 's an essentially flat and rolling landscape , er the intensification of agriculture 's produced a very open landscape erm in that area erm there are few erm landscape elements to reduce into visibility , erm there are no significant areas of derelict land which could be , which would be reclaimed or enhanced erm by a new settlement , erm and the Council believes that it would be very difficult to assimilate a new settlement into this landscape , and it would be er visible over extensive areas , to touch on erm the point raised by erm the panel about self sufficiency and self containment erm I think it 's recognized in the explanatory memorandum , erm to policy H two that a new settlement will need to maintain social and economic links with a city , erm perhaps from some , this statement is explicit that erm York will continue to exert considerable influence in terms of employment , social , and community links , erm and it 's unlikely that facilities which have provided a new settlement will divert much , if an , if er any , erm of this er demand for travel .
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