Example sentences of "it [modal v] be well " in BNC.

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1 But it may be well to keep it in existence . ’
2 Before considering the implications of sexuality for personal and social problems it may be well to take a look at present-day outlooks upon sex in our society and to the norms and mores which exist in the community as a whole .
3 The conventional form is generally convenient ; it is useful to have equal eigenvalues in groups and to the use superdiagonal ; but in particular cases it may be well to use a nonzero quantity other than a unit in the superdiagonal .
4 But th , the thing is that it looks as though it is going to be a fairly ongoing thing that 's going to it may be well on certainly er a beyond assembly when we have to come to a conclusion , and therefore we ought to know the picture er , of , within reform churches far more clearly in giving more time .
5 She had thought it must be well into the small hours .
6 If it is , then it must be well over 200000 times as luminous as the Sun , much more powerful than Rigel or Deneb .
7 They debated unhappily , reluctant to commit themselves to an opinion , until John Prophet suggested sadly that in the circumstances it might be well to consult the archbishop of Canterbury , and in some relief they agreed on this course , and carried their problem that same afternoon to Lambeth ; where Thomas Arundel , on the force of whose word and influence they could rely , advised them , in consideration of the desperate need , to issue the required letters patent , and he would be responsible for defending their action to the king , should it need any defence .
8 In view of the current debate on the privatisation of water in Scotland , it might be well to plan for the future .
9 It might be well to strike first , before it runs out , ’ said David .
10 I thank you now , but it 'll be well . ’
11 If our kids wan na go to the football it 'll be well erm
12 Just give it a bit of a paint and it 'll be well away .
13 And so ironically , although climate will be a factor in er this century and into the next century , it could be well to escape the sun .
14 Very few men do have any moments whatever , and for the benefit of such readers as have not sufficiently respected Mr Binyon for his , it would be well to set forth a few of them .
15 It would be well for you , it would be well for me , if we were married — but what can we do ? ’
16 ‘ It would be well for you , it would be well for me , if we were married — but what can we do ? ’
17 I can promise you that the total came as quite a shock to me , I was convinced it would be well in excess of my budget .
18 Boeing paid for it all , and perhaps it would be well for the more cynically-minded who believe aircraft manufacturers are only in the business to make money to remember that Boeing had no legal obligation to contribute a single penny .
19 It would be well to know just what this entails .
20 The discussion centred on ‘ whether it would be well to have a Fascist coup . ’
21 And it would be well into the second half of 1991 before the effects of those tax changes would start to have an impact on economic behaviour .
22 It would be well to describe an actual class I attended in Vienna .
23 In writing an auto-biography or the story of my life , or the intimate journals or diary of myself , it would be well perhaps to give a few details concerning my birth ; a date or two might add a little dignity also .
24 It would be well into the 1920s before the majority of geneticists began to concede that natural selection might have a role to play by regulating the spread of mutated characters within the population .
25 But it would be well for British business to remind itself occasionally of the message contained in Figure 1 ( page 60 ) : the fastest-growing markets are not in Europe .
26 According to committee chairman Professor John Knill , it would be well into the early 2000s before sufficient evidence on the choice of site could be collected .
27 It would be well , if the opportunity offered , to precipitate the coming encounter there in public , before all these independent witnesses .
28 If Labour gains Kingswood , it will be well on its way to depriving the Tories of their overall majority .
29 If Computercraft achieves its target of a £200 000 turnover this year ( so far it has doubled every year ) , it will be well on the way to proving that its ideas work .
30 It will be well , therefore , to start with his version of it .
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