Example sentences of "[indef pn] [pron] [vb past] be [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I heard about the first one pretty soon , the next night in fact , because everyone I knew was talking about the arrival of the new beauty .
2 ‘ Father wanted someone to inherit who knew Venice and had been taught the business , someone who 'd been trained to the position . ’
3 His sister , Linda Lee , who called at the house , said her children were talking about someone who had been killed on the railway line .
4 She looked like someone who had been struck without warning but she did not try to run or cry out .
5 ‘ You said someone who had been travelling through snow stood at the back of the church . ’
6 And while we were talking about Crippen , it would probably be unwise to choose as a role model someone who had been topped for the offence .
7 Cardiff was still one of the bastards who had put him away , not someone who had been duped by a fellow officer with false evidence , certainly not someone he had come to respect .
8 ‘ How do you like your egg ? ’ asked Lydia , determined to be pleasant since the one thing more disagreeable than staying with someone you detested was staying with someone who detested you too .
9 McLeish took her briskly through the course , making the now familiar speech about Angela Morgan 's death being treated as a case of murder , which meant taking statements from everyone who had been associated with her and might be helpful .
10 Hospital inpatients versus hospital outpatients — Among subjects with progressive disorders receiving hospital consultations ( table IV ) , none who had been admitted as an inpatient in the past 12 months had unmet needs .
11 ‘ When the police told me everything I had been doing over the last month it totally freaked me out . ’
12 Look , ’ and she opened her handbag and reached inside , ‘ this was one I 'd been saving for him — ’ Her voice cracked and she began to cry .
13 I was very interested in their answers to my questions , which often seemed to offer a different view of history from the one I had been taught at school .
14 Some continued to make a stance and in 1982 I worked with a sergeant who lovingly took out his old city cap each nightshift and wore it as a symbol of everything which had been lost in 1969 , when , as the station graffiti had then affirmed , ‘ T.J.F. ’ and a fall from Eden had occurred .
15 In support of the proprietary argument the plaintiffs resorted to an analogy with the position of a trustee in bankruptcy , whose right and duty it was to get in everything which had been owned by the bankrupt , including his business documents .
16 One example was at London Zoo when a polar bear called Brumas died at the age of nine because he ate something which had been thrown into his enclosure .
17 The measure of life events used was one which had been developed by Brown over a number of years and represents a major methodological improvement over previous approaches .
18 Usually on a Friday afternoon I would retreat from the busy main office to my own private one which had been constructed in one corner of the large open room .
19 I 'd have to buy an electric boiler to replace the gas one which had been leaking for a week now .
20 The feature usually described as predominant in Gothic buildings is the use of the pointed arch in place of the semi-circular one which had been employed in both Roman and Romanesque structures .
21 3 ) , similar to one which had been advanced before the High Court of Australia in Jago v. District Court of New South Wales ( 1989 ) 168 C.L.R. 23 .
22 Constance had lost Ludo — something she had been dreading on the journey up from Florence — but she was not alarmed .
23 It was something she 'd been wondering about .
24 It was the one she had been rehearsing for all her life — that of martyr .
25 When she changed schools , however , the maths A level course was different from the one she 'd been following at her old school , but the new teacher expected her to catch up immediately .
26 Agitated , Vincent went running to a painter called Weissenbruch to see if he was another one who had been poisoned by the gossip circulating against him .
27 He was quite a personable young man , but the Waaf I recognised instantly as the one who had been ejected from Hut 4 at Bourn for being dirty .
28 Whereupon the partying Ninevites , just like Jonah inside the whale , repented ; whereupon God decided after all to spare the city ; whereupon Jonah became incredibly irritated , which was only normal in one who 'd been put to a lot of trouble to bring the message of destruction , only for the Lord , despite a well-known , indeed historic taste for wrecking cities , to turn round and change his mind .
29 The end of Act I is a recognition scene ; a recognition by the Marschallin of the kind we all experience when we realize that something we cherished is gone for ever .
30 But everything he said was treated with almost obsessive distrust .
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