Example sentences of "[indef pn] [modal v] not [verb] [verb] a " in BNC.

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1 One should not expect to obtain a detailed contract , but once a commitment is made it is for the long term .
2 One might not expect sawing a Renault 5 in half to constitute part of an electronics research project , but that 's what they call it at sub-basement level , below the Strand .
3 One could not hope to find a better medium for escape than a pair of metaphorical , spiritual wings .
4 Disagreements in the church about the point at which one could not compromise left a legacy of schisms in the Nile valley and in North Africa , where the rancour of the Donatist schism persisted until the Muslim invasions swept them away four centuries later .
5 But erm we had a sort of a spectrum you know it covered such a wide well area if you like of er of engineering that one would n't have had a chance to have a any contact with in in any other works , you 'd be doing as one certain sphere you know a certain type of work , and there you are you that 's your lot eh ?
6 Clearly one can not hope to give a comprehensive survey of the history of metals and metalworking in a single chapter .
7 one can not begin to understand a number of contemporary English novelists unless one realises that to them Joyce 's way is at best a cul-de-sac .
8 If one reads even more attentively , one can not help noting a curious stylistic feature not entirely dissociated from Treebeard .
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