Example sentences of "to be told the " in BNC.

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1 John and Maureen took their first-ever fortnight 's holiday in their 16 years in the Harrow and returned to be told the Benskin 's board had rejected the plan to turn the pub over to management .
2 After his last visit , he had gone to her and begged to be told the truth .
3 She was a very nice girl named Eugena , I think , and there were guards at the end of the hotel corridors , I remember giving them the slip and wandering around Khabarovsk on my own in a snowstorm , only to be told the next day that there was quite a bit of excitement in the city during the night because a Siberian tiger had come into the city and was wandering the streets at the same time I was !
4 The señora now arrives to be told the story .
5 Trainer 's wife , best friend — either way , she had to be told the truth .
6 They are like patients , who , suspecting that something is seriously wrong , steadfastly refuse to see a doctor in the hope that their troubles will clear up without the need to be told the truth about themselves or undergo painful treatment .
7 Grandparents Billy , 80 , and 72-year-old Irene were called away from her bedside in the psychiatric unit at Liverpool 's Broad Green Hospital to be told the news which could signal the end of Rachel 's £5,000-a-day career .
8 The Moslems expect to be told the same any time .
9 The ‘ Princess ’ then asked to be told the names of the three expectant mothers .
10 He handed the plastic bag to the white-coated technician and asked to be told the moment the fingerprints were identified .
11 Most people want to be told the truth , and to be given a clear lead towards the action needed for recovery . ’
12 The second truism is one I shall need to answer the question : why should we want to be told the truth ?
13 And that — a learnable correlation — is also the main thing we need in order to be told the truth .
14 If a prisoner is to be told the judicial view of his tariff , is the Secretary of State obliged to give reasons for departing from it if he does ?
15 It is convenient to consider the third and fourth issues together : has the prisoner the right to make representations before the Secretary of State sets the date for the first review , and has he a right to be told the judicial view of his tariff ?
16 In Payne v. Lord Harris of Greenwich [ 1981 ] 1 W.L.R. 754 the Court of Appeal decided that when a prisoner serving a mandatory life sentence for murder had not been recommended for release by the local review committee or the Parole Board , before his next review he was not entitled to be told the reasons for the board 's decision .
17 If , therefore , prisoners are in future to be told the judicial recommendation as to the tariff period , many judges may think it appropriate to announce their own recommendations publicly in court when passing sentence .
18 But , so far as I can judge of the matter , I should think that in the interests of the man himself — as a human being facing indefinite detention — it would be better for him to be told the reasons .
19 ‘ That must have cost a pretty penny , ’ Mickey Aronson declared , not really expecting to be told the price .
20 He did not even wait to be told the subject of the phone call .
21 I do not understand how it can be against commercial interests to be told the selling price .
22 Women , they said , liked to be told the obvious .
23 Are not we entitled to be told the whole truth , as revealed by Greenpeace , which is that the total lifetime cost of Trident will be more than £23 billion ?
24 He deserved to be told the truth to his face .
25 Sa so , in time you hope to get sufficiently accepted erm to be told the truth or in fact , a bit nearer the truth .
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