Example sentences of "to be getting [adj] " in BNC.

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1 This is an incredible area to be getting involved in .
2 ‘ And besides , ’ she added briskly , ‘ this would be a bad time for me to be getting involved with anything serious .
3 Predictably , you seem to be getting all the flak for the Bill Davis/Alan Coren years of stagnation and complacency that led to the Punch you inherited a while back .
4 Michael was livid that Hemmings , in the cloakrooms , seemed to be getting all the way with one of the girls while Crawford/Ingram was off in a corner with another girl — ‘ simply practising how long we could kiss ’ . ’
5 erm sort of , at fir , you know , at first I thought sometimes you know oh , you know what 's the matter with you like but , she admits herself , her I Q , you know how they judge your intelligence has gone right down , she has to have tests every now and again , er she ca n't concentrate on things , or , you know some things she just ca n't do any more , so she 's at , supposed to be getting all this compensation and it 's been going on now , it was two years ago , three years ago that we met them and she 's only just had the first part of her money , she 's had five thousand pounds , that 's all she can get for the time being all the rest is , cos all solicitors and everything and doctors having to come and check things , so she knows , she knows she 'll get money eventually , but er , it 's just when , but is n't it an awful thing ?
6 I have at this point tried to bring in some preliminary notions of stress and prominence without giving a full explanation ; by this stage in the course it is important to be getting familiar with the difference between stressed and unstressed syllables , and the nature of ‘ schwa ’ , but the subject of stress is such a large one that I have felt it best to leave its main treatment until later .
7 Crumble the softened butter into the flour , sprinkling in the rice flour or cornflour at intervals , as and when the butter seems to be getting sticky .
8 In my third year at Oxford , however , I noticed that I seemed to be getting clumsier , and I fell over once or twice for no apparent reason .
9 Children , at least seem to be getting richer , despite the recession .
10 We have grown used to some kind of safety net , extended beneath us in Western countries , even if for some of us the holes seem to be getting bigger by the day .
11 If you add to this the growing number of health and fitness related books then you would expect us all to be getting healthier and fitter .
12 The major network evening news programmes were being watched by an estimated 50 — 60 million people and 65 per cent of people were said to be getting 100 per cent of their news from such programmes .
13 If you 've noticed that your hair parting seems to be getting wider , seek the advice of your GP or a trichologist ( hair and scalp expert ) .
14 Eventually you will reach the point where you will wonder why one thumb appears to be getting tired and will look down to find that you were holding on a lot of stick trim without even being aware of it !
15 Kinnear said : ‘ It was a marvellous display by our lads — but the fans up here seem to be getting hysterical .
16 Just as the disease process has moments when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse .
17 Just as the disease process has moments when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse .
18 Just as the disease process has moments when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse , so also in relapse there will also be times when things appear to be getting better even though in the long-term they are getting progressively worse .
19 ‘ I seem to be getting better but my balance is still poor . ’
20 He 's just come in on the come back trail and he seems to me to be getting better and better .
21 It was a long way to sunset , but the air in the tower seemed to be getting colder by the moment .
22 The problem seems to be getting worse .
23 Her headache seemed to be getting worse and worse , and Raffaella 's command of English slipped as she grew increasingly excited .
24 Her heels felt sore , and because there was so much walking , they seemed to be getting worse as the morning went on .
25 ‘ But he seems to be getting worse , not better , ’ protested Jenny .
26 Things seemed to be getting worse with every step she took .
27 Now Alan , first of all er have we learned anything do you think over the years or do we seem to be getting worse ?
28 Sadly the things seem to be getting worse .
29 There is nothing very new about it all Alf Ramsey was hounded out despite winning the World Cup , while Don Revie , Ron Greenwood and Bobby Robson came in for vilification but things do seem to be getting worse .
30 I mean we 're just giving a little bit of temporary relief in a situation which just seems to be getting worse and worse .
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