Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [vb mod] [pers pn] [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 How might she still resolve the dispute by creative thinking ?
2 How could they possibly assess the value of the trinkets being imported — suitcases and crates crammed with carpets , pictures , furniture , diamonds , strings of pearls , ruby rings , emerald earring , tiaras , silver money transfers -all most every rich person in the country suddenly want this of her money telexed to accounts in Switzerland , Paris London , New York , the Cayman Islands .
3 The first approach replied that this was all very well but then how could we ever assess the importance of one variable against another in the overall changes ?
4 How could we possibly overlook the Schleyer Halle , the Festhalle , the Rothenbaum and the Rochusclub ?
5 She was not proud to have been the cause of splitting her family up ; nor could she forget how her father 's love had turned to disgust ; and how could she easily reveal the shame which she had brought down on the Wards ?
6 How could she possibly expect a girl of Cissie 's years to understand how a woman could love so deeply that there seemed no shame in it at all ?
7 How could you successfully represent the three tasks mentioned above by using linear notes ?
8 ‘ After all , how could I ever possess a brother who was remotely talented ?
9 How could I possibly forget a walk that was so full of — er — incident ? ’
10 The level of ambiguity which inevitably constrained Cipriani , was also to prove to be his Achilles ' heel , for , how could he possibly fulfil the nationalist aspirations of the people before he resolved the problem of how to be a patriotic West Indian , and loyal to the Empire at the same time ?
11 How could he possibly let a little innocent girl be bullied and tormented ? ’
12 How could he ever become a peacemaker ?
13 How would you personally describe the term ‘ electronic office ’ ?
14 How will you ever meet a prospective father for your children if you 're never in one place for more than a week or two ? ’
15 When you learn that love is something you must do without , that close attachments to other human beings is a sign of weakness and that expressions of emotion are deeply shameful , how will you ever manage the openness , honesty and compromise that a close relationship demands ?
16 So back in nineteen eighty seven looked at the application models of client server and network computing and said , How can we better address the needs of client server ?
17 For musicians , the lure of the West must be strong , and for reasons as understandable as basic working conditions and standard of living , but as a result we stand at a crossroads : how can we possibly avoid the continuing standardization of orchestral , instrumental and vocal production , and continue to have the opportunity of hearing music played in a style and tradition for which it was probably originally conceived .
18 How can we possibly sustain the change process for seven years ?
19 How can we then translate the success of its print-based activities into electronic publishing ?
20 Surely the whole point about Telecasters is that they 're tough , they 're basic and they sound ace , and how can you really play a Tele if you 're worried about scratching the thing ?
21 The more he reads , the more certain he is that it 's garbage — and how can you diplomatically conduct a love affair with a poet whose work you view in that light ?
22 How can I ever become a good painter when I know so little geometry and mathematics ?
23 How can I possibly tell the chaplain that the spirit of a dead man is trying to telephone him ? ’
24 How can I possibly make a career for myself when you keep on , nag , nag , nag , about patches of mould on the ceiling ? ’
25 Then , as he shook his head at her disbelievingly , she demanded , ‘ Why must you always believe the worst of me ? ’
26 So why should we not pass the benefits of these savings back to the members ?
27 And you , ’ she added , greatly daring — but , since the Master was quizzing her so relentlessly , why should she not quiz the Master ?
28 But why should he alone make the headlines ?
29 Why should you not take a high place in the home of your ancestors ? ’
30 Why could they not heal the boy ?
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