Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [vb base] [pers pn] [adv] [vb infin] [art] " in BNC.

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1 If we ask , how do we best train the next Archbishop of Canterbury , which see is better ?
2 So that 's what privatization is about and how do we stop the privatization how do we really represent the members by attacking the legislation that prevents us from acting in a spontaneous manner , which will assist our members in their hour of need .
3 How do you actually make a lens ?
4 In response to the question ‘ How do you currently assess the effectiveness of your teaching ? ’ 23 consultants said they did not .
5 How do you er how do you therefore generate the knowledge before you start getting the attitude ?
6 When do you ever see a poor man with someone twenty years younger ? ’
7 Where do you actually do the papers ?
8 Why do we not mimic the professionals or their caddies in other areas of the game ?
9 If the purpose is to protect the individual , why do we not sign the European social charter , as every other country is prepared to do ?
10 That 's right , I mean why di why have we got the structure of agriculture as we have , you know why why do we still have an atomistical industry right , it 's not just a , a freak of nature , there are economic laws , erm , and opinion that s , that structure the industry and it 's because you just do n't get economies of scale staying in agriculture .
11 Why do they not have the guts to tackle their own Government about cuts in services ?
12 Why do they always perform the whole show in the nude ?
13 But why do you not tell the authorities , petition the Council ? ’
14 Why do you not remember the words of Brillat Savarin : the pot must smile .
15 Why do you actually need the white sticks to a mark up
16 I 've listened very carefully to Councillor and I have n't learnt a thing about the answer to various questions which were raised at E I D and and I ask it again , why do you really reject the Scheme ?
17 Oliver Why do I always get the blame ?
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