Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [vb past] for a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The bubbling song of whimbrel mingled with the excited yelping of breeding redshank could be heard whenever we stopped for a break .
2 How I longed for a Smith & Wesson .
3 Alison Berry describes how she cared for a patient with a difficult leg wound in the community
4 He saw the calculation at the back of Weis 's eyes that greeted his comment — saw how he looked for a trap in every word of his — and smiled inwardly .
5 It was when I went for a walk to our old camp .
6 In Los Angeles , where I lectured for a living , I pursued my fascination for the harmonic patterns and golden-mean ratios which run so consistently through the sacred art , music and architecture of both Western and oriental mystical traditions .
7 ‘ You have n't even asked me directly why I went for a walk with Flo this evening , for instance .
8 Farrelly met Sinead when she advertised for a band in an Irish music paper .
9 ‘ And that 's presumably when you went for a smoke on the roof ? ’
10 It was the kind of place where you waited for a bus that never came .
11 She was lifted out of her perch above the engine and made for the customs shed where she asked for a mirror so that she could restore order to her wrecked coiffure before she went into Paris .
12 She 'd been with us for a year when we went for a day 's walk in the country .
13 The closest I ever got to you was when we went for a spin on your motor bike , with me like a ravished flapper on the pillion , legitimately clinging to your lissom waist , to those two wonderful hip-bones I loved to hold , as if they were the very hinges of heaven , whose wind blew your hair back into my ecstatic face :
14 NINE former staff at the old Williams & Glyn 's Bradford Branch were soon talking about ‘ the good old days ’ when they met for a reunion in one of the city 's wine bars .
15 George and Myra 's home is in Kilbarchan from where they left for a week 's honeymoon enjoying candle lit cruises and the splendours of Amsterdam .
16 Well he he 'd got a , and if I 'd got to do it you know , another day , his er perhaps start and er i , well you know when he came for a meal and saw all that ?
17 Sometimes , when he went for a walk , she followed him ; if he stopped to look at something she stopped too and when he walked fast , she walked fast to keep up with him .
18 But 10 years ago , Gerald Kingsland hit the headlines when he advertised for a woman to live with him on a desert island .
19 The court was told that Lord Apsley was arrested last November when he arrived for a function at Gloucester Barracks in South Cerney .
20 There came a day when he arrived for a lecture in army uniform and carrying a rifle .
21 He made these astonishing remarks when he called for a meeting with the Toronto Globe and Mail , much to the surprise of everyone .
22 He turned and headed for the door where he paused for a moment .
23 He was rushed to the intensive care unit at Alder Hey Hospital in Liverpool where he remained for a week before being transferred to a rehabilitation ward .
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