Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [modal v] [verb] [vb pp] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 And if Thomas had been any older I do n't know quite how I would have explained it to him .
2 If you had asked me to describe one of the Whistler 's victims that 's exactly how I should have seen her .
3 I raised my hand to my eyes wondering how I could have hit it so hard .
4 After all , though she was n't quite sure how she would have done it , she could have found some other way to lay hands on the money she needed .
5 She tried to remember Isabelle objectively — wondering how she would have regarded her if they had simply met as strangers , but all she could call to mind was her mother 's warmth , and gentleness and capacity for love , and a slow anger began to build in her .
6 Then she said , ‘ I do n't see how she could have turned you down — knowing how you felt about her . ’
7 Except that that kiss and her response to it had taken her so much by surprise that , even in hindsight , she did not see how she could have forestalled it .
8 How you would have despised me !
9 Study the advertisements now appearing and show how you would have done them .
10 Think about how you could have foreseen them .
11 If you 've helped someone and you feel really good about it , let go all those negative feelings about how you could have done it better .
12 We learnt a few lessons on how we could have improved it but we felt very pleased with it as our first attempt .
13 I thought about Marcus and Lily , how they would have loved it here — the lake , the kiln , the excitement of the firing .
14 Bernal took one look at it : ‘ Of course , ’ he said , ‘ of course that 's how they must have done it . ’
15 How it must have hurt him .
16 ‘ I do n't know how he could have done it , but where the hell else could he be ? ’
17 But I still do n't see how he could have done it . ’
18 Standing at the counter waiting for the coffee , he wondered how he could have let it come about , and he felt a stranger to himself .
19 ‘ Miraculously they swept you round to Gullholm , where I must have found you minutes after you got caught in that inlet . ’
20 They 're descriptive , any other ideas why I might have rung them , erm , ringed them ?
21 ‘ I could see no reason why she should have invented them . ’
22 There are strict time limits : generally , six years from when damage first occurred ; where the damage was initially ‘ latent ’ you are given longer — three years from when you could have discovered it , with a longstop of 15 years .
23 You went shopping this morning when you should have done it , so now you have to do it tomorrow . ’
24 She seemed vaguely familiar to Juliet , and she stared at her for a moment , trying to place where she might have seen her .
25 That the kakar had seen the tigress was quite evident , and the only place where she could have seen her was on the track .
26 ‘ I do n't know why you should have led me to believe he was some kind of old buffer . ’
27 GUIL : But if he gave it to me there 's no reason why you should have had it in the first place , in which case I do n't see what all the fuss is about you not having it .
28 She argues that the rise in illegitimacy occurs in none of the places where we might have expected it if Shorter 's hypothesis of the sexual revolution were correct .
29 If anyone was going to make the connection , that was when they 'd have done it — when all the muck-rakers were going full blast .
30 Unsurprisingly , Rugby missed their putt , falling behind when they must have felt they were odds-on to go ahead .
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