Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [adv] [vb past] [det] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How they ever made any money at the Horizon factory I shall never know .
2 In all my life there have been very few occasions when I badly wanted more money and that was one of them , because on my wage of three shillings a day as an AC2 I was unable to drape her with expensive clothes .
3 The acid test was when I told him why I never had any money to spend , but he was very understanding .
4 Can you tell me where you actually got that information from ?
5 He is , in fact , a rare surviving embodiment of those long-vanished ideals of the 1950s , when it briefly seemed that University English might provide a terrain where all these practices could converge .
6 He did not know why he suddenly felt this way ; he was not angry with himself , or with us , and he was not crying .
7 Sometimes , he really wanted to abandon her , yet looking at her now he could not imagine why he ever felt that way .
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