Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pers pn] [verb] [verb] [noun pl] [coord] " in BNC.

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1 WHY is it that whenever I decide to don salopettes and head off in search of that damned elusive substance — Scottish snow — howling hurricanes decide to renew my acquaintance and pea-soupers that would have done Victorian London proud descend on the mountain ?
2 We think that it conserves services , that it has searched out the vast majority of efficiencies that we can find within this council and that it does n't pass on to the poll tax , council tax payers the fruits , I mean it does pass on the poll tax or council tax payers the fruits of how we have achieved savings and efficiencies over the last couple of years .
3 You 'll go for a corner house where you 've got hedges and ca n't be seen .
4 I had with the permission of the deputy general secretary leave of conference yesterday I was in London to be told of a further nine hundred redundancies from a company that a short time ago was telling us , and if you look at my report you 'll have to delete the first paragraph where they had secured orders and the security of our members ' employment only to be told yesterday , nine hundred will go .
5 Jarvis Stringer 's grandparents ' qualifications for keeping a school were that he had been up at Oxford where he had read Greats and she had left Goldsmith 's College halfway through her teacher training .
6 He was rescued from breathtaking rent rises by Cornelissen , from where he continues to supply artists and calligraphers .
7 The archbishop fled to Canterbury where he proceeded to deliver sermons and issue pamphlets against the crown 's infringement of clerical privileges .
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