Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] [adv] [vb past] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 How they ever made any money at the Horizon factory I shall never know .
2 In all my life there have been very few occasions when I badly wanted more money and that was one of them , because on my wage of three shillings a day as an AC2 I was unable to drape her with expensive clothes .
3 Somehow I find a little peace of mind knowing that I 'm in the one place in the world where I once knew true happiness . ’
4 The acid test was when I told him why I never had any money to spend , but he was very understanding .
5 Forever on the move , meeting new faces , constantly in demand socially whenever she was off duty , Liza Tremayne found that there were longer and longer periods between the days when she still suffered black despair over the thought that she would never again see the man she so resembled in character and who had given her , had she known it , more love than he had ever bestowed upon any other woman .
6 ‘ I 'll thank you to remember when you ever ate bad food , in all the years I reared you and there were no refrigerators . ’
7 Can you tell me where you actually got that information from ?
8 Brian and I were out riding one morning when we suddenly heard heavy firing ahead of us .
9 And it seems strange in an area where we just lost General Hospital and everything has moved to , that , which is a nationally renowned hospital .
10 The latter were forced to repair to the waiting area where they enviously sipped ginger beer while waiting their turn and watching the old horses pull the machines into the water , one after another .
11 Conversely , CD68 + L1 - macrophages abounded in the dome area ( Fig 2B and Table IV ) , and such large cells were also frequently seen in the germinal centres where they apparently represented tingible body macrophages .
12 However he never considered fitting air brakes to the tractor .
13 He is , in fact , a rare surviving embodiment of those long-vanished ideals of the 1950s , when it briefly seemed that University English might provide a terrain where all these practices could converge .
14 He did not know why he suddenly felt this way ; he was not angry with himself , or with us , and he was not crying .
15 Sometimes , he really wanted to abandon her , yet looking at her now he could not imagine why he ever felt that way .
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