Example sentences of "[Wh adv] [pron] [verb] [vb pp] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 For years whenever I 've got out of bed in the middle of the night — about whatever pursuit you get out of bed in the night for — my right ankle has made cracking noises , like kindling being snapped .
2 Anyway , the Chinese seem excessively embarrassed and concerned about an incident of this type , and we have been kept under very careful supervision ( I am sure for our sakes , in their eyes ) whenever we have gone out of the hotel .
3 Yeah but that that is the Sunday thing that 's how I get muddled up with the date , but that 's on the same tape you see ?
4 I thought of his sweetness in sitting beside me all night , and of the shadows on his face in the morning , and how I had gone off without telling him I loved him .
5 And that is how I have got along for the last sixty six years .
6 But he could not bring himself to do it , especially not now , after Simon had revealed how she had spoken up for him .
7 He switched the subject just as he had snapped his fingers to remind her of how she had switched off after Seville .
8 They sat around one end of the work table , which now seemed vast and empty , and Alina Peterson explained how she 'd walked down to the village to look around and , where it seemed appropriate , to introduce herself .
9 I actually have at the back which I will show in a minute , a costume that was worn by a woman in the eighteen-forties , and it shows how she has kept up with the fashion ; it is a fairly fashionable dress , but it is adapted for real life , for day to day life , for for the life of an ordinary middle class woman who had perhaps one or two servants , but had to do the running of the household herself .
10 She recounted how they had gone up to Master Allingham 's chamber and , finding the door locked , had ordered the workmen from the yard below to force the chamber .
11 Once it was called Murias , and many stories were told of how it had sunk down from the upper world to Undersea .
12 It 's a pity how it has turned out for him , but that 's the way it goes . ’
13 He is equally unforthcoming about how he gets written out of Neighbours ; Joe Mangle will be no more in the New Year , but he wo n't reveal how .
14 How he had put up with my attitude for so long is a mystery to me .
15 He related how he had come down to London and systematically searched through the various agencies that might have employed Elsie , how he had tracked down Mrs Wilson and had gone to see her .
16 Rebecca West , representing the polite world of letters at this proletarian scene of retribution , was being told by an elderly man how he had come back from viewing his grandchildren 's bodies at the public mortuary and heard the voice of the condemned criminal mocking him over the radio .
17 They were burning to know how he had got on in New York , and Isobel asked him .
18 Resisting the temptation to call his bluff by pretending someone was with her , she asked how he had got on in Glasgow .
19 This ranks as one of the few occasions in the past 20 years when I have forked out for a little bottle .
20 I have joined classes where I 've leapt about to Michael Jackson or thrown my pot and been surprised at the sound of my own voice when I 've paid the babysitter .
21 I did n't want to risk Mrs Long , and Mrs Travers knew where I had moved on to , so giving her name could cause problems as well .
22 That 's why I 've come over from the States , ’ Howard said .
23 Occasionally someone who 'd died Another type of undertaking was where somebody had died out of the island .
24 Was that why she had moved out of the Wilson family home ?
25 She had known Sam all her life and though he was a worthy and hard-working man , she knew why she had held back from agreeing to marry him .
26 She had forgotten why she had come down to the garden in the first place .
27 Victoria Lockhart , 20 , finished her three-year relationship with Dennis Harper , 25 , when she got fed up with his endless attempts to alter the way she looked .
28 Cara nodded , and elatedly went on to tell them that she had heard , only that morning when she 'd looked in at her office to check her post before driving up to Cheltenham , that she 'd pulled off an interview with none other than Vendelin Gajdusek .
29 She had seen Madge that morning when she had gone round with the news about the kiosk .
30 During the short time their marriage had lasted , there had been so many times when she had given in to Julius 's forceful demands , just to keep the peace .
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