Example sentences of "i [vb past] myself up " in BNC.

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1 So I went to meet her without my make-up on and demonstrated how I made myself up .
2 I drew myself up looking offended .
3 I drew myself up .
4 I drew myself up to my full 4 feet 8 inches , flared my pupils at the teacher , picked up my scarlet skirt , Vivien Leigh-style , and , with a thud , parquet met felt and felt met parquet .
5 Well I woke myself up snoring last night .
6 I hauled myself up , shouting abuse at my stupidity .
7 I hauled myself up and peered out of the bars .
8 I hauled myself up from whatever I was lying on .
9 I pulled myself up the safety line and made my way past the tangle of tethers up to the surface , where the boat tender was frantically pulling in all the lines .
10 The pain faded , and I pulled myself up immediately with the help of the banisters and gained the second floor in the lull .
11 I dolled myself up after the bath .
12 I cleaned myself up and checked out my patch , hoping I 'd find that tabby trespassing .
13 Tell you how I brought myself up on Wells , Huxley and Shaw ; how I prefer George Eliot and even Thackeray to Dickens ; how I like Orwell , Hardy and Housman , and dislike the Auden-Spender-Isherwood crew ( preaching socialism as a sideshoot of homosexual law reform ) ; how I 'm saving Virginia Woolf for when I 'm dead .
14 I was buried alive , the pummelling stopped as suddenly as it had started , I heaved myself up and the earth and muck fell off me .
15 And I kidded myself up you had n't seen me . ’
16 I took myself up to Highbury to hear about all this .
17 I was obliged to write essays … where I gave myself up to an almost purely artistic rendering of such facts as I remembered , and such opinions as I could concoct by the help of memory , fancy , and the radical and the free-thinking influence of home …
18 I was out for four and a half months , then I gave myself up because I was carrying my daughter , Sasha .
19 I propped myself up on my elbow and looked at him .
20 Quickly , I picked myself up and ran for my life through the trees .
21 A cow once kicked me nearly to the other end of the byre and as I picked myself up the farmer said unemotionally , " Aye , she 's allus had a habit o' that . "
22 On this occasion I wrapped myself up in a blanket and went to sleep in a ditch .
23 I thought if I wrapped myself up in chickenwire and cut myself out again I would be left with a realistic shape .
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