Example sentences of "i [modal v] think that " in BNC.

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1 This is something which the government has learned how to do , so I must think that this is highly motivated politically on their part , given the way in which the difference between public information and conservative party political propaganda is becoming a blur to .
2 I should think that all of us have had the unfortunate experience at some time or other of sitting on a plastic interlocking chair in a draughty hall listening to some old wind bag droning on endlessly to screens of projected OHP transparencies that no one can clearly see .
3 I should think that all politicians , and I speak for myself , we all face this temptation .
4 I should think that a piece of string would do just as well .
5 In this study a 13 year old , when asked about being teased in his comprehensive school , replied , ‘ I should think that in my first week or so there was a fair bit .
6 Hush my lambkin , ’ and rocked her a little , and then , when Carrie was quiet , ‘ I should think that old pie 's nearly ready .
7 But , so far as I can judge of the matter , I should think that in the interests of the man himself — as a human being facing indefinite detention — it would be better for him to be told the reasons .
8 I should think that happens quite a lot , but I doubt they 'd call themselves The Hell Fire Club .
9 With Piggy 's glasses , I should think that a ) very few people apart from oculists , opticians and bespectacled professors of English would notice ; and b ) when they do notice , they merely detonate the error — like blowing up a small bomb with a controlled explosion .
10 I should think that just about everyone was having a go at everyone else by the time it ended .
11 I should think that wiped out any chance he had of people remembering him .
12 I should think that Opposition Members normally get that far into a document .
13 I should think that it would be in order to discuss these matters when we debate the revenue support grant orders for England .
14 Oh I , I should think that about fifteen years ago er when erm the lighting manufacturers had decided that er there was a great deal more available in lighting than just the erm , type of glass bowls and shades that had been used , well in between the wars er , I mean after the war was over in nineteen forty six er they were still using the same things that they did before the war and this just carried on er and er it , it only within the last what I suppose fifty years that 's over
15 For example , if we take those words there , I I hope that most of you can work out that that says , the cat , right , some of you can be difficult and say that you ca n't but I should think that most of you can .
16 I should think that , like myself , you 're feeling exhausted .
17 ‘ It needs an English residence to make them thoroughly comprehensible , but still I should think that human nature would give them success anywhere . ’
18 And I , I suspect that they 're on their way out because the way they leap and scream and bang and thump I should think that they , most of them have been on drugs .
19 I should think that Mr Staton would put it in for you would n't he ?
20 But it , it would make you feel , I should think that you , yeah , the lips were
21 But there are erm others who , for whom teaching is the major aspect and the major important role that they perceive for themselves erm but there is always a balance and on balance , taken over the whole system , I should think that most people spend fifty or sixty per cent of their time on research .
22 I do n't expect he could use a slide rule either , and you and I might think that using a slide rule would be one of the marks of an educated man , but I think things move on .
23 I could think that I was at school again , lying in the long grass waiting to bat , or walking over Berkshire downs or along a Devon valley .
24 I 'd think that whether we , Orrell , or Bath , were in contention or not . ’
25 I 'd think that I have seen enough to say that cricket could never be the be-all-and-end-all of life for me .
26 He 's younger there but I 'd think that man would be around fifty now .
27 I would think that you should be wearing Lovat s tartan by this time ? ’
28 It may be provided at Sunday school but I would think that the average Christian parents have the same feeling of unease about discussing faith with the children as they do about discussing sex .
29 I would think that whoever took those things is very worried indeed now to find that I was with Harry and that he is alive .
30 There were few new books added each year and I would think that a great number of volumes had been in the Library from its opening in 1905 .
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