Example sentences of "i [be] supposed to " in BNC.

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1 I am supposed to be covering a charitable fund-raising event at the City Temple . ’
2 ‘ Well , I am supposed to be an expert on the industrial novel .
3 ‘ Well , I am supposed to be semi-retired , ’ protested the Doctor lightly .
4 Am I proud of resorting to stereotypical womanly wiles when I am supposed to be a postmodernist feminist egalitarian ?
5 I feel as if I am poised somewhere on the edge of a slope , and about to slide down when I am supposed to be climbing up .
6 I am supposed to be at GHQ .
7 I am supposed to be a Nazi spy . ’
8 The other question , however , as to what exactly I am supposed to be doing as I sit here , is plainly still a live issue — which is the reason for this intolerably circumstantial disquisition .
9 I 'm supposed to be an usher — or an usherette in my case , I suppose . ’
10 I 'm supposed to be attacking the Windmill at this moment — with my platoon . ’
11 But if I 'm supposed to be catching a train to Paris , where the Hell d' you think you 're off to ? ’
12 ‘ I do rather a lot of amateur acting , you know , and I 'm supposed to be rather good at accents . ’
13 ‘ Well , as you say , I 'm supposed to be there at ten past the hour , and my shift finished at six .
14 I forget where I 'm supposed to be and what I 've done the day before and whose round it is … ’
15 In 1985 , he claimed defensively , ‘ There 's black and white proof I 'm not the killer I 'm supposed to be , I 've only been sent off twice . ’
16 ‘ I do n't know if I want to or not , I just want to know what I 'm supposed to be doing there . ’
17 I 'm supposed to be a left winger ’ .
18 I 'm supposed to be away abroad on business , but sometimes they come home from school and surprise , surprise , here I am .
19 ‘ I said , ‘ I do n't know what I 'm supposed to be talking about .
20 I 'm supposed to be helping her to bake bread .
21 I 'm supposed to first say is th are you finding the course okay and to ask you about your projects .
22 I do n't feel like one , but I 'm supposed to be , well , a physical scientist , so you get that sort of identity thrown at you .
23 If you want to know how I could tell that from the seventh floor , you have to remember I 'm supposed to be a detective .
24 Did n't know what I 'm supposed to be doing with that .
25 I 'm supposed to be cured but now I 'm an addict as well as a failure … .
26 If I 'm not getting what I 'm supposed to , I 'll start .
27 I 'm supposed to be a lawyer .
28 She said , ‘ I 'm not sure what lesson I 'm supposed to be finding in all this .
29 I 'm supposed to be at the Holborn library in ten minutes , ’ the researcher objected .
30 I 'm supposed to be meeting Gordon Mahoney here at eleven , ’ Donna said .
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