Example sentences of "i [verb] myself out " in BNC.

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1 I 'd rather have the doctor saying that I ca n't go home rather than me signing myself out .
2 I flung myself out of bed and into her arms .
3 I drag myself out of bed each night to start the day — and with what ?
4 You have sinned , Jimbo , I told myself out loud , but it is never too late to repent .
5 And I put myself out to find out what they liked best .
6 It was six o'clock when I let myself out of the house .
7 Its cry is something I wear myself out trying to imitate — I hope to bring it back with me — but it 's hard to reproduce — a rattle with a kind of tremendous gargling as an accompaniment . ’
8 I knocked myself out . ’
9 ‘ I ca n't believe I knocked myself out for that flake . ’
10 I stare myself out .
11 Is the top , I mean I broke , had to get in my own house when I locked myself out once when I 'd been in the garden and I , I just got in by leaning through the top window and opening the bottom window , so now I always lock the bottom windows , I do n't bother locking the top one I open it
12 before I realized that all you had to do was put your hand through my letter box , reach up and you could take , open the Yale lock because I 'd been there a year I locked myself out and I thought the only thing I can do is try and get in by putting my hand through .
13 I 've been a man in total control all my life , and I find myself out of control around you .
14 They let me to — I talked myself out of it .
15 ‘ I decided that was the job that appealed and it 's just as well because at the interview I talked myself out of the other jobs by being so keen on the post office . ’
16 I heaved myself out , folded my own blanket , lifted the boards and sorted everything till it looked how it 'd looked last night .
17 I heaved myself out of my chair with elaborate sighs .
18 Father appeared above me on the top step and I wrenched myself out of the man 's nasty fingers .
19 Until I had myself out of the frame , it was n't a good idea to drag anyone into the case who was n't there already .
20 I dragged myself out of bed and set the machine up on the kitchen table .
21 I looked at my clock to find that it was nine thirty so I dragged myself out of bed and put on my dressing gown .
22 I pull myself out of her .
23 I took it along to her , to save me locking myself out I put the sneck up .
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