Example sentences of "i [verb] [adv] returned " in BNC.

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1 On an outing to the obscure Gate Crag in Eskdale we picked a route called Bosigran — this had to be climbed because I 'd just returned from my first climbing trip to Cornwall .
2 I 'd just returned to Mistress Philippa 's when the bell began to sound . ’
3 I had just returned from a training stint in Lanzarote .
4 I had just returned to Los Angeles from the Aleutians where I had been making a film , and I came across Errol Flynn at a party at David O Selznick 's house .
5 I had picked for this exercise a place that I had visited many years before. , but to which I had never returned .
6 I had only returned from a holiday in Dublin and had n't the price of the airline ticket , so I had to borrow from my mum , ’ said Deirdre , who is the mother of a five-year-old daughter , Emma .
7 Ironically , my father , mother , younger brother and I had recently returned to England from Singapore , at the end of a four-year posting .
8 I 've just returned from this year 's Prix de Lausanne and the two Russian boys who entered were kicked out .
9 I 've just returned from South Africa , during which he went to stay with Sally Newcombe and refused to eat anything for a week and a half ’ .
10 Hello and Happy New Year I 've just returned to uni after the crimble hols and have just finished shifting through all the e-mail — thank god the Wilko/List abuse thread has finished ! ! ! !
11 ‘ I think we can do better than that , ’ he returned smoothly , and , making her heart spurt with activity again , ‘ I 've merely returned home for some papers .
12 I have also returned the aerial photos you sent .
13 Sir : I have just returned from five weeks in Zimbabwe , mostly at village level , and your leading article ( 6 October ) was right .
14 SIR — I have just returned with my family from Tignes , France , where we cheered on my son Graham Nugent and his fellow team members in the fifth Paralympics .
15 I have just returned from a holiday in Hungary with my six year old son and I feel I must write to thank you .
16 I have just returned from a visit to Bulgaria , and I thought your readers might like to see their spraying equipment .
17 I HAVE JUST RETURNED from a trip to Norway , a country I find like an exaggerated version of Scotland — bigger mountains , wider moorland , wilder scenery and more extreme temperatures .
18 I have just returned to England after thirteen years of gastronomic bliss in the South of France .
19 I have just returned from today 's match dazed and confused .
20 Sir , I have just returned from a full week in Belgrade and would like to seek comment and clarification on the information and knowledge sanctions which are now being imposed on Serbia .
21 I HAVE JUST returned from a visit to my landlord , Mr Heathcliff .
22 I have just returned from an interesting and enjoyable conference on Coastal Zone Management held during a beautiful weekend in Copenhagen .
23 As I write , I have just returned from this gathering .
24 Your article on the Zambian food riots was accurate ( NI 189 ) : I have just returned from visiting friends who live on the Zambian Copperbelt and it was a shock to compare the well-provisioned tourist hotels with the half-empty shops in the city of Ndola .
25 I have just returned from a NATO meeting last week at which we agreed the military strategy that will accompany the strategic concept now agreed , of which Germany is a prominent supporter .
26 A month later , just before he was about to set off on his journey ‘ into the interior by way of Namoi , Gould wrote to Sir John Franklin in Hobart of his progress so far : ‘ After spending a fortnight in the lowland brushes I proceeded to the upper districts and the Liverpool ranges whence I have just returned having made several discoveries of new species both of Birds and Quadrupeds , of the latter I believe I have two new kinds of Kangaroo . ’
27 I HAVE just returned home after my first visit to Glasgow .
28 I have now returned to live in London where I teach for two days a week at the Royal Academy Schools ’ .
29 ‘ My wife and I have recently returned from a ten day holiday in Gdynia , Poland .
30 ‘ My husband and I have recently returned from our holiday in Czechoslovakia and felt I must write to say how much we enjoyed it .
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