Example sentences of "[indef pn] who [verb] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 By continually signalling attentiveness and responsiveness to the signals of the other — it is infuriating to talk to someone who stares out of the window all the time .
2 ‘ It was given to me by someone who feels deeply on the subject , ’ he said .
3 Are you going to tell me that it was someone who came back on the train from London who gave you the key ? ’
4 There was someone else in the graveyard , someone who slipped soundlessly behind the church as she watched .
5 It is understandable for our staff in the offices to look at such claims in a different way from that of someone who comes in off the street .
6 Someone who comes in by the day would suit me admirably . ’
7 Someone who cares passionately for the quality of his ingredients is top chef Raymond Blanc .
8 The Royal Society seems to have achieved little in this direction in its early years ; in Paris , however , the academie fostered someone who worked diligently at the applications of science .
9 We had an annual swimming display at school , and this always ended with someone pretending to fall in accidentally , fully clothed , and being rescued by someone who dived in from the side , again fully clothed .
10 He 's gone part of the way along the r road by doing what you 've just been describing non-executive directors but erm it could be a weakness if he 's seen as a er erm a business man and cavalier as opposed to somebody who fits in with the style that the city 's always looking for .
11 EVERYONE who grew up in the Sixties has heard of Transcendental Meditation and its founder the Maharishi , the giggling Indian guru who guided the Beatles through their flower power phase .
12 ‘ Most people who use the train regularly know everyone who gets on at the first few stops .
13 As one who grew up in the Dark Ages and is , as a result , spiritually stunted and psychologically scarred , I regularly find myself cringing at the sight of moaning footballers and speculating , in a twisted fashion , on how much better they might play if all the energy spent on operating the jaws were to be concentrated on getting on with the game .
14 His only brother , the one who went down in the Arctic , died unmarried .
15 Tim Kaihatsu wrote quite a lot — in fact , he was the one who came up with the most material .
16 One who came out into the open after having lost his political way somewhat was former premier Bazargan .
17 The lesson of the Square One Principle is this : the person who has the courage to go back when necessary is the one who goes on in the end .
18 The other — that 's the one who finished up in the river — I 'm not sure about . ’
19 A friend of mine was driving on the M1 when he came up behind everybody 's un-favourite motorist , the one who sits resolutely in the middle land and refuses to move left , no matter how empty the inside lane .
20 After all , she was the one who fell apart at the seams every time they touched , while he remained infuriatingly unmoved .
21 The contemporary hero is one who stands out against the crowd to fulfil a personal destiny .
22 AT&T and Unix System Labs want to be sure no one who contributed significantly to the advance of Unix these last 24 years is overlooked at the big bash they 're throwing at Uniforum ( UX No 423 ) .
23 One who arrived soon after the war ended , to study illustration on an ex-serviceman 's grant , was Humphrey Lyttelton .
24 Every one of those men who went in the forces , who lived to tell the tale , was given their jobs back when they came back , because their jobs were replaced by women during the war , drivers and conductors , they were replaced by women and as the men came back , so the women were paid off , so everybody who came back from the war was given their job back .
25 The railway will be operating as normal and anyone who turns up on the day can join in the fun .
26 For anyone who travels regularly to the US , the Metrocast service covering more than 100 cities will cost £45 a month plus an initial fee of £30 .
27 This is apparent to anyone who sat in on the proceedings of a local credit union .
28 Anyone who works close to the darker side of human nature can not help taking on board some of the pain .
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