Example sentences of "it means [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 As such it means that vigilante heroes , no matter how good , are not the stuff of which Christians are made .
2 It means that psychoanalysis takes a lot longer , because you are looking at defences and ego as well as at , at the .
3 And that 's those dimples are the bottom are on the bottom bit of your spine so if the dimples are n't level it means that bit of your back is slightly
4 They might see it as better to take-over their main supplier , even if it means that company losing some existing orders from competing manufacturers of food products ; * buyers may deliberately seek international suppliers , so as to maintain their choice and retain some degree of control over the prices and terms of supply .
5 Erm so erm maybe because of the continuity between some forms of abusive sexual practice and erm what we expect of kids , what we train kids to do anyway um it means that abuse is easier to get away with .
6 It means that legislation tabled by John McFall , Labour MP for Dumbarton , with support from the Liberal Democrats and Scottish National Party , will fail for lack of parliamentary time .
7 Its just the very fact that erm there 's no equivalent to marriage for lesbian 's and gay men , it means that society is looking down on it .
8 It means that money to pay for your current fuel consumption , and towards the arrears you owe , is taken from your benefit each week and paid direct to your fuel account .
9 But complaining , I mean , if he 's got ta complain it means that quality assurance is n't there .
10 And the industrialised world often encourages this , because it means such countries continue to be dependent on foreign technicians .
11 In some respects this is good when it means such topics as non-aqueous solvents are covered , but bad when the reader searches this chapter in vain for information about new solvents .
12 Otherwise , it means any Bill imposing a charge on public funds and the House of Lords may have a substantial interest in its overall contents .
13 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
14 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
15 Section 20(6) defines consumer as follows : ( a ) in relation to any goods , it means any person who might wish to be supplied with the goods for his own private use or consumption ; ( b ) in relation to any services or facilities , it means any person who might wish to be provided with the services or facilities otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his ; and ( c ) in relation to any accommodation , it means any person who might wish to occupy the accommodation otherwise than for the purposes of any business of his .
16 But advertisers love it — it means more air time to sell products because the more popular a show is , the more people watch the ads .
17 If the objection to a hatchback is that it means more noise in the cabin , the Safrane is an exception .
18 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
19 Staff at St Tiggywinkles say the holiday season is bad news for wildlife because it means more cars in the countryside .
20 It means more time in classrooms .
21 All in all , it means more beef for the serious database developer .
22 Organising a wedding in less than six to nine months can be done , but it means more pressure on your nerves and possibly your pocket .
23 ‘ I do n't want to be attractive to him ’ , she replied , ‘ Every time I am attractive to him , it means another kid ’ .
24 And after scoring the derby winner against Everton in March , Rosy said : ‘ I 'd like to stay at Liverpool but not if it means another season on the bench . ’
25 It means some bastard not only laid me out cold , and stuck me face-down in the Comer , but even rammed me well down into the mud with a foot in the small of my back to make dead sure of me , before he lit out and left me there to drown . ’
26 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
27 When both taxes and public spending seemed out of control at the end of the Callaghan era , the proportion of voters telling Gallup that ‘ taxes should be cut even if it means some reduction in government services such as health , education and welfare ’ was exactly the same as the proportion saying ‘ government services such as health , education and welfare should be extended even if it means some increase in taxes ’ .
28 Taboo is a Polynesian word , and it means some kind of supernatural law or prohibition which you infringe at your supernatural peril .
29 That is a bad thing in itself , for it means less competition and more wasted resources .
30 It means fewer species , crises in food production , sameness .
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