Example sentences of "it does [not/n't] explain " in BNC.

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1 But even if treating our awareness of our own mental states as topic-neutral plausibly explains why we are not aware of our brains as such when we are aware of our mental states , it does not explain why knowing fully about the brain does not include knowledge of the nature of experience .
2 But it has to be reiterated that the CTP does not explain these observations : it does not explain how the impinging events give rise to awareness of those events .
3 It does not explain all the peculiar initial conditions of the big bang ; but it does provide some rationale for conditions that otherwise have to be accepted as given .
4 This certainly means that Adam 's heirs can not be alone in having a right to private property , but in saying this , it does not explain how such a right arises in the first place .
5 I was therefore delighted to read in chapter three that the author , talking about oversimplified reasoning in music says , ‘ … . it does not explain why I respond with goose-pimples to Bach 's Kyrie every time I listen to it . ’
6 Even if one accepts that the thesis accounts for why blacks are overrepresented in reactive activities such as boxing and soccer , and underrepresented in self-paced sports such as golf and swimming , it does not explain why blacks do not excel in such reactive sports as motor racing , tennis , fencing , squash or even skiing !
7 The fact that more black women than white women have low socioeconomic status may contribute to this marginalization , but it does not explain it .
8 While the private person/other distinction accounts for most of the variance , it does not explain it all .
9 The idea is perhaps implausible because it does not explain why ageing is associated with pathological changes , which would have been the ancestral state under Hamilton 's theory .
10 For children born in the late 1950s and early 1960s this could have accounted for perhaps 5% of cases ; as Gardner et al showed it does not explain the increased incidence in Seascale .
11 Everything is interpreted within the scheme ; it does not explain anything , because it can explain everything .
12 This is certainly a more plausible general background to the revolt but it does not explain why Eleanor rebelled in 1173 and not at any other time .
13 It does not explain how the intervention of these ( nearly ) classical systems chooses one chain rather than another as the physical occurrence on a particular occasion .
14 I call that a restricted international perspective because it does not explain or attempt to explain how production is organized internationally and , to my mind , a theory can not do that unless it says something about the changes in the organization of labour that go along with innovations in machinery , transport , instruments and products .
15 Though Banfield 's research is partially accurate if read merely as description , it does not explain fully the lack of concerted action by those excluded from privilege , and it is at least misleading , if not inaccurate , in its neglect of the pre-modern political organisation of these areas , which is based on personal patronage networks centred on landholders .
16 The problem with this explanation is that it does not explain the growth that has occurred outside the crisis periods .
17 A further weakness of the theory is that it does not explain why so much hooligan activity is based on fan rivalries within the working class ; nor can it deal with Wagg 's ( 1984:198 ) observation that ‘ the most notable attempts by a club 's following to prevent it parting with a popular player or manager have usually been initiated by middle-class people ’ .
18 The twins point out that this conception of polysemy has only limited applicability , for it does not explain ambiguity caused by contextual factors .
19 Well in a sense it does not explain anything ; it is simply an elaborated gloss on my statement that homicide and sex are the expected loci of sin .
20 I think it 's impossible to explore why there is a difference , it does not explain why the matters we have already discussed , like vacancies , households and death rates why there is a difference between what the County Council say is one hundred percent , and what the H B F and others are advocating which is considerably more .
21 It does not explain the triggering sensation and altered function of the gut , nor does it seem important in those with IBS symptoms who do not seek medical care .
22 This sediment thickening indicates the role of sediment loading in sustaining basin subsidence but it does not explain how basins originate .
23 It does n't explain our mysterious man in the hold . ’
24 If nothing else , this explains why they are in politics and I 'm not , although it does n't explain why I 'm in journalism .
25 Although the photograph on the cover of the current guidebook certainly adds to the route 's appeal , it does n't explain it .
26 The manual is well written and explains how the device works , but it does n't explain how to use it with , say , WordPerfect .
27 It does n't explain why , when I want to tell other people the truth , I want them to believe what I believe .
28 ‘ Give my thanks to Bartholomew the Englishman , ’ Cranston replied drily , ‘ but it does n't explain why a London merchant came down here in the dark , fastened a rope round a beam and hanged himself . ’
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