Example sentences of "it could mean a " in BNC.

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1 A visitor or resident may move a small table to suit themselves — it could mean a broken hip for another resident .
2 He is still receiving treatment and with Canadian international Forrest still sidelined with a stomach muscle problem , it could mean a first team debut for Jason Winters .
3 If interest rates go down then it could mean a capital gain .
4 And as well as receiving less herself , it could mean a gradual cash cutback for Princess Anne , Prince Andrew , Prince Edward and Princess Margaret .
5 It could mean a solution to the food shortages Tanzania always faces , ’ says Ahmed .
6 It could mean a final saleable item in the marketing department or a sub-assembly in the production department .
7 With some clients that can be five minutes discussing the house , the garden or a hobby of theirs with others it could mean a short exchange of pleasantries followed by a suggestion to proceed with your intended business .
8 ‘ If this work is successful it could mean an end to places like Whitely .
9 He 'll undergo surgery tomorrow morning and if it is more than just a simple fracture , it could mean an early end to his cricketing career .
10 He says it could mean an extra 15 to 20 pence a week .
11 Chief executive June Roberts said it could mean an extra £80 on pensioners ' bills .
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