Example sentences of "it could [be] worth " in BNC.

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1 Alternatively , if a firm made its issue thinking share prices were indeed going to rocket ( for that is what the low yields implied ) , then it could be worth its while to take the cash and invest it back into equities or other financial instruments .
2 So it could be worth asking your doctor one extra question next time he recommends a course of treatment : is it actually necessary .
3 In checking to ensure that your employers have striven to strike a fair balance , it could be worth asking whether they have considered drawing up some form of ‘ points table ’ or other grading system , by which the relevant matters can be assessed .
4 Even for over achievement , or where there appears to be no problem , it could be worth reviewing the target levels to consider if these have been set incorrectly ; perfection the first time round might well be suspect !
5 It could be worth the risks .
6 It could be worth £25,000 .
7 THAT old glass paperweight hiding in the back of the china cabinet may seem like a worthless ornament but it could be worth more than you think .
8 But if you just want one multi-purpose power saw , it could be worth the investment .
9 In some cases it could be worth making out a third party support agreement with a specialist maintenance company .
10 So I says , let me take it and get it valued , it could be worth a bit .
11 In fact , such sites can be made a feature in the garden , and it could be worth building a wall on purpose , which would form a barrier to cold wind and contain warmth on its sunny side .
12 However , with some materials and for some purposes it could be worth considering .
13 It could be worth contacting this colonel .
14 It could be worth many , many thousands of pounds in conventional advertising and at the same time gain that vital reputation of doing everything right .
15 It might be appropriate to give the European Parliament rights of confirmation for Commissioners , and it could be worth considering giving the Parliament rights of recall of Commissioners as well .
16 Well , this voucher scheme sounds like it could be worth the 12 quid alone … any chance you could fax me the application form Gavin ?
17 If anyone is offering decent odds it could be worth a few quid
18 With a projected growth rate of 5 per cent a year , it could be worth £204 billion by the end of the century .
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