Example sentences of "it 's time to go " in BNC.

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1 The area last saw eruptions in 1975 and 1954 : perhaps it 's time to go .
2 It is past midnight in down town Tegucigalpa , and it 's time to go home .
3 It is past midnight in Tegucigalpa , and it 's time to go home .
4 It is past midnight in Tegucigalpa , and it 's time to go home .
5 I was in a shop once , buying scented candles , and on the radio came Steve Wright with a collage of Smiths ’ songs , and I got a distinct chill , almost as though the hand of death was tapping me on the shoulder , saying : ‘ put yer candles down , it 's time to go ! ’ ’
6 It 's time to go back to work . ’
7 Locals call it ‘ The Wall ’ because so many people like it that they never venture outside it till it 's time to go home .
8 You do n't stand up straight , look people in the eye , shake hands firmly or leave decisively when it 's time to go .
9 After that I made a habit of sending Timmy upstairs ahead of me when it 's time to go to bed .
10 It 's time to go back to basics
11 It 's time to go , Mr Peacock — your plumes are tarnished with much ado about nothing and , like football clubs , we want results .
12 And then it 's time to go on .
13 Then , just as you are seduced into believing all is Cocteau-calm , the tempo jumps up a gear , the guitars rev into psychedelia and pure white noise signals that it 's time to go and get dressed .
14 You know how it is ; when you lead a hectic , urban life it takes a while to get used to the change of pace — and by the time you do it 's time to go home again .
15 It 's time to go .
16 It 's time to go . ’
17 It 's time to go to bed , ’ she said to the children .
18 Then I took a year off , and she kept going on and on at me that it 's time to go back to college , so I did in the end .
19 ‘ Well , it is too late to change now ; it 's time to go .
20 It 's time to go .
21 It 's time to go . ’
22 It 's time to go for the jackpot . ’
23 ‘ I came out here for a breath of air , ’ he said , ‘ but I guess it 's time to go back now .
24 ‘ Katharine … it 's time to go ! ’
25 ‘ Then it 's time to go .
26 They , they 've seen all the sights , and they 've eaten the best of the food and er , erm , it 's time to go really , before you know they get , they outstay their welcome , and go past their sell-by date .
27 It 's time to go . ’
28 It 's time to go to the reception , now , ’ Mum said .
29 It 's time to go back to England and break the news to Luce and Maureen .
30 Now it 's time to go to Ambridge where Lynda Snell is waiting expectantly …
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