Example sentences of "it 's [adv] nice " in BNC.

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1 It 's rather nice ! ’
2 Of course we all need a certain amount in order to exist — and it 's rather nice to have a bit to spare .
3 in seeing this house , because it 's , well we think it 's rather nice er , you know it 's quite a
4 It 's rather nice to think that it happened in that way , that it was done overnight .
5 You do n't have to have sand but it 's rather nice .
6 It 's rather nice that !
7 but um I 'm a great believer that it 's rather nice to have that going on while the event is going on you know you sit and munch a corned beef butty as you dribble your coffee down the front of your shirt
8 Er but i you know it 's rather nice actually .
9 It 's particularly nice when you can get people together who 've always wanted to meet .
10 It 's dead nice .
11 It 's pretty nice though .
12 It 's awfully nice of you .
13 It 's just nice to be at Augusta for the weekend , ’ he said alluding to his more recent efforts here .
14 Hendrie , who has had six clubs , said : ‘ It 's just nice to settle somewhere .
15 Erm it does n't give you a headache it helps to maybe cure a headache , and it 's just nice smelling and I think if you were just to even with your partners or with friends even just massage somebody 's hands or massage somebody 's feet if you do n't make them scream while you 're doing it .
16 Yeah it 's just nice to know if there is something wrong
17 Just when you open it it 's just nice scallops .
18 Oh yes , not necessarily religious grounds I agree with you , it 's just nice to have one day a week where everything is peaceful .
19 But er I have n't , oh with four it 's just nice , five enough
20 Oh it 's just nice to have a dossy Saturday , know what I mean ?
21 No and he 's always cooking he 's always the dinner as well it 's well nice .
22 ‘ But every now and again it 's jolly nice to go out and have an absolutely top-class meal in a super restaurant , ’ he adds with relish .
23 The old boy soldiered on , perplexed , till almost teatime on the first one-dayer , before throwing in the towel with blanket irony — ‘ Well , if I do n't know their names , at least it 's jolly nice to see all the familiar faces again . ’
24 It 's really nice of you , but if you say one word about the Will of God , I shall hit you with my fork . ’
25 And it 's really nice .
26 It 's really nice .
27 So get it smooth , coat it with copper , polish that up a bit so it 's really nice and shiny and put a fine coating of silver over it
28 It 's really nice .
29 Just this is " he shook his head , not knowing if she could see , or maybe feel the bed bounce slightly , it 's really nice , " he gave a tiny , self-depreciating laugh on the last word , acknowledging its inadequacy , " .
30 It 's lovely Joyce it 's really nice
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