Example sentences of "it was getting [noun] " in BNC.

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1 " It was getting chill , " she said .
2 It was weird and it was getting Liam down .
3 Although it was getting dusk , he was certain that he had seen someone or something fall from the bridge .
4 It was getting dark when Simon went looking for Gazzer .
5 He came just as it was getting dark again .
6 It was getting dark so he pulled the curtains and put on the overhead light .
7 It was getting dark when Alice woke .
8 It was getting dark again , and I was alone on the moor .
9 It was getting dark now , but she could n't be bothered putting the lights on .
10 Cos it was getting dark and he had n't got his light
11 But , she was telling the story of a man who was travelling over the moor and it was many years ago on horseback and er he was completely lost and wan , it was getting dark and he wanted to stay somewhere for the night and he sort of travelled and could n't see anywhere and eventually down a long drive he saw a house wi , blazing with lights so he went down this house and er , all the windows were alight , you know were lit up and he knocked at the door and knocked at the door , and knocked at the door and could n't get any answer , no one ever came to the door so in desperation he thought well this is no good !
12 It was getting time for the last bus across London Bridge for the District Line .
13 It was getting early evening now , it was getting time to eat .
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