Example sentences of "it is easy [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Sit in the tranquil garden of the Hotel Ponte Sisto and it is easy to envisage times when this property was a monastery .
2 Hence it is easy to envisage the words ‘ dogs ’ and ‘ clogs ’ being confused .
3 Once all work on the system has been completed , then the ground must be tidied up and left in such a state that it is easy to assess at a later date what rabbits have been left behind .
4 It is easy to assess their potential for action and their intent from their fire power , to which the hon. Gentleman referred .
5 It is easy to labour this point , but I have seen far too many advertising briefs which put marketing objectives ( like ‘ to increase our share of the market by 5 per cent ’ ) into the advertising objectives , or even the advertising strategy .
6 It is easy to call Mr Honey ford , the Bradford head teacher , a racist and to organize against him on that basis but less easy to show precisely how and why this is the case .
7 Of course it is easy to argue now , with the benefit of hindsight , that Dennis was doomed anyway , but it did n't appear like that at the time .
8 Since all the schools follow the same teaching plan and since the content of the programme followed by children in the early years is less demanding academically than that followed by adolescents , it is easy to argue that teachers in the lower grades require less training .
9 It is easy to argue , invoking self-righteous precedents , that the lady who hurries to assist the injured animal or pedestrian in the street or who feeds the beggar on her doorstep , but who fails to get excited about suffering in general and shows a disinclination to contribute to Oxfam , is really not a good Samaritan ; that she is morally short-sighted in letting ‘ distance ’ be a factor , and that she should be equally concerned for suffering whenever and wherever .
10 When we feel lack of status it is easy to cling to our hard luck stories about how totally powerless we are to change the things we 'd like to change .
11 To step out of the curriculum centres , the institutes or the ministries into the schools of Africa provides such a contrast that it is easy to caricature the differences .
12 This may seem quite simple , but it is easy to delude yourself .
13 It is easy to denigrate age-related treatment policies by tarring them all with the brush of the neologism ‘ ageist ’ .
14 It is easy to realise that in gusty conditions , if the glider is being flown slowly , the stall may occur high enough for a wing to drop and for an incipient spin to develop with even more serious results .
15 It is important to number all of the items in the minutes so that it is easy to refer to particular items at a later date .
16 With its sombre strength and key strategic position it is easy to appreciate why it was an important royal stronghold for several hundred years .
17 Although it is easy to appreciate that the polymer must be sufficiently wettable to sustain a coherent layer of tear fluid , it might be thought that all problems associated with wettability would be overcome by the presence of water in the material .
18 It is easy to appreciate the lure of the lucre with Faldo winning £708,000 and 53 others on this year 's tour banking more than £100,000 .
19 A parallel computer is described in Section 1.8.3 , and it is easy to appreciate how the use of such a machine could speed up an important operation on digital remotely-sensed images .
20 His description was that ‘ it is easy to aim for the front room and find yourself in the kitchen ’ .
21 It is easy to grasp the concept of tendering for the oft-quoted ‘ 200 hip replacements ’ and , apart from dangers such as adverse selection , this appears relatively non-problematic .
22 It is easy to grasp the concept of tendering for the oft-quoted ‘ 200 hip replacements ’ [ …
23 It is easy to do this in your own country .
24 It is easy to do with halls of residence , but it is also easy to do where students are living in digs or even when they are the owners of properties .
25 It is easy to sympathise with a traveller who writes : ‘ I have seen a quantity of things here — churches , palaces , statues , fountains and pictures ; and my brain is at the moment like the portfolio of an architect , or a print-shop , or a common-place book . ’
26 Many readers must have sighed with regret that so few of Gainsborough 's letters have survived , since the charm of his style is so fresh ; it is easy to sympathise with him writing about his professional commitment to portraiture , on behalf of two fine ladies , his daughters :
27 It is easy to sympathise with his parents as these whirlpools of feeling kept arising out of nowhere .
28 It is easy to sympathise with their dilemma .
29 On the face of it , it is easy to sympathise with the president 's view that ‘ as a sovereign state , ’ Kenya will no longer accept ‘ any form of economic arm-twisting from any quarter . ’
30 Ropes and wires are fairly simple to test since it is easy to grip the ends by winding them round the barrel of a winch or capstan .
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