Example sentences of "it is significant that " in BNC.

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1 It is significant that neither Kermode nor Lodge have inclined towards the more radical deconstructionist road .
2 It is significant that the much-dreaded automatic spending cuts have never occurred .
3 And it is significant that for many of them , the beacon of light is Britain — yes , Margaret Thatcher 's Britain .
4 And it is significant that for many of them the beacon light is Britain — yes , Margaret Thatcher 's Britain . ’
5 A simple , single school-room with an entrance porch on the east side , it catered for the children of Shawell and the surrounding villages until after World War I. It is significant that even such a simple building as this was not immune from the stylistic preferences of contemporary architects and the steeply pitched roof-slopes of the schoolroom are ‘ stratified ’ with bands of alternating plain and fish-scale pattern tiles in true ‘ High Victorian ’ fashion .
6 He also throws away too many key phrases : ‘ This Triton of the minnows ’ is a magnificent epithet for Sicinius but it here gets lost and although in the great banishment-speech Mr Dance 's body-language is good ( as he hurls his coat to the ground in fine disdain ) it is significant that the directors resort to an echo-chamber effect on ‘ There is a world elsewhere . ’
7 If it is stretching the imagination to describe any West Indian fast bowler as a gentle giant he is nevertheless mild-mannered and easy-going , and it is significant that while the likes of Croft and Marshall were doing unpleasant things to batsmen 's heads , the damage that Garner inflicted was mostly confined to arms and hands ; obviously any broken bone is bad and obviously he sent down his share of bouncers , but there was never the suggestion that he was using his physical advantages maliciously ; six feet eight inches 12 metres ) tall and weighing seventeen stones ( 108 kilograms ) , the prospect of the carnage he might have caused had he been of an aggressive nature hardly bears thinking about .
8 Palestine towards the end of the sixth and in the course of the fifth centuries BC ) , it is significant that the principal concern of the Priestly Code ( the code with which we are primarily concerned , see p.
9 . It is significant that Hitler did not dare to speak on January 30 !
10 It is significant that the insurgent peasants of Essex in 1381 demanded the abolition of the hunting privileges of the landowners , and made no mention of the Forest laws of the Crown .
11 But although there was relief at this success , it is significant that Cambridge have failed to score during the first 45 minutes of their last eight games .
12 It is significant that such a mainstream and commercial manufacturer is hoping to launch an environmentally sensitive label .
13 It is significant that the unoccupied space in Hammerson 's portfolio amounts to only 8 p.c. , the bulk of which is overseas ; in the British portfolio , there is no significant level of empty properties , and most are well let to tenants of undoubted covenant .
14 It is significant that , although it would have cost very little , no wholesale replacement or improvement of the track took place , an indication of the company 's attitude to its creation once it had been completed .
15 It is significant that the union which represents the employed workers of Cartón has never been on strike .
16 It is significant that Charlotte Lennox 's The Female Quixote , one of the most interesting novels of its time , is essentially a satire on women 's education .
17 It is significant that most comment on the issue has referred to the ‘ severely ’ or ‘ grossly ’ handicapped babies , rather than just mentally or physically handicapped babies .
18 It is significant that the Liberal Democrats , unlike Labour , see a central role for the law and the courts in promoting citizenship : they would seek to clarify the obligations of the state and the rights of the citizen in law .
19 it is significant that this first civil rights march , unaccompanied by any provocative display of weapons , banners or symbol was carried out without any breach of the peace .
20 It is significant that in the light of Roland Barthes 's S/Z ( 1970 ) , critics would subject even Balzac to the kind of analysis usually reserved for the more oppositional novels produced by the nouveau roman ( see Jefferson 1983 ) : poststructuralist and deconstructive readings could transform the ‘ readerly ’ into the ‘ writerly ’ .
21 It is significant that the Old Testament contains no numbered dates , despite its concern with an intricate historical record .
22 Apart from the obvious literary currency of descriptions of this sort , it is significant that a garden , palace , or type of paradise is always associated with the sleeping king or emperor , for this is the ancient motif found in classical mythology of the Titan Cronos , ruling in the Golden Age .
23 It is significant that Kerschensteiner insisted on the practical and the theoretical being part of the same syllabus , with the former leading on to an appreciation of the latter : it meant that ‘ civic virtues ’ had to be practised in order for them to become meaningful .
24 It is significant that the Palace were able to make two serious challenges for the 3rd Division South title in the four seasons that Hubert was with us .
25 It is significant that the Open University in Britain made two films on the use of libraries — one showing the use of the public library and the other , produced for those students who were to attend summer school at some university , on the use of the university library under these conditions .
26 The authors quoted above , Brewer and Hills , stated that ‘ It is significant that there are few references to evaluation in the literature of reader instruction and until very recently they have been virtually non-existent ’ .
27 It is significant that Japanese firms are not adverse to joining forces with American rivals of IBM ; for instance , Mitsubishi and Sperry Univac recently decided to cooperate in some technical areas as a way of combating the very large computer makers .
28 It is significant that the public debate on policies and content of education mounted in Zambia in 1976 has aroused much interest in other African countries .
29 It is significant that the two largest warts are positioned on either side of the top of its thick neck — precisely the place where a cat likes to sink its fangs when making its killing bite .
30 Even so , it is significant that in most of the volumes on cat breeding and pedigree standards , there is a small , tell-tale phrase under the heading of ‘ coat colours ’ , which states that the fur ‘ should be dense with no trace of white hairs ’ .
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