Example sentences of "it is true that " in BNC.

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1 It is true that some local authorities will not say whether you are eligible or not until a place has been put on offer to you , but it 's still very much worth your while to find out all you can from your local education authority .
2 It is true that the constitution was explicit in recognizing important personal rights in Article 40 : equality before the law , the non-recognition of nobility privileges , defence of person and property , liberty , no detention without trial , freedom of speech and assembly .
3 However , it is true that government policies ( or lack of policies in some areas ) have contributed significantly to our problems and some of the changes that are now in the pipeline will almost certainly make matters worse .
4 It is true that we can not observe or measure directly mental processes taking place in the brain in the way that we can measure , say , blood flow via a brain scanner .
5 It is true that deconstructive approaches have emerged in American law schools as well as in literature departments .
6 It is true that in such discussions the judgemental element does not exist in isolation , since it is interwoven with description , technical assessment of moves in play , and so forth , in ways suggested in Wittgenstein 's lectures on aesthetics .
7 It is true that in some cases these publications may be of extreme radical tendency , attacking the established practices of academic English teaching , but that is no objection , since it is the fact of publication that counts , not its content .
8 It is true that Arnold Bennett , for one , refused to conform to that stereotype ; and doubtless one could find other exceptions .
9 It is true that we are more enlightened than we were ; there is a public which has learnt to smile at the reviewer who declares that a line ‘ will not scan ’ , or that it contains a ‘ trochee ’ where it should have had an ‘ iamb ’ , without considering whether it was ever intended to ‘ scan ’ , or whether there is anything in English verse which can be treated as the absolute equivalent of a Greek or Latin trochee .
10 And it is true that whereas on the whole Pound managed his amorous career with more decorum than Shelley , still the pattern was , so far as we can discern , not very different .
11 And it is true that Williams was aware of creative work in American photography and painting , as Pound in his self-exile could not be .
12 It is true that Pound does not readily conceive of a reader who is not also an aspiring writer — something that led Leavis astray when he tried to retort to How To Read ; but there is no harm , and much profit , in letting the student of the history of poetry suppose that he or she is in due course going to write poems .
13 It is true that no figures are mentioned in such summings-up , but they can certainly point towards the minimal or astronomical .
14 As for ‘ le piston ’ , it is true that three senators have been accused of fraud , bribery and tax evasion in the past three years , but they have all been cleared of these charges by other senators .
15 It is true that this outstanding product of Polish football might have chosen to celebrate his freedom in Italy or West Germany , but instead he left Legia Warsaw for Celtic .
16 It is true that productivity in manufacturing ( though not in the economy as a whole ) grew rapidly , though no faster than in the six-year periods ending 1969 or 1973 .
17 It is true that such equipment has a limited intelligence application , but the knowledge that Joe Bloggs uses McDonald 's twice a week is indeed of little value .
18 If it is true that some of them are not quite what they were — and even this grasped-at straw is no more than speculation — we may rest assured that the successor generation brought on tour to breathe down their necks will be as good if not better .
19 It is true that high-level Bolshevik theorists in Moscow and Petrograd tended to select , filter , and interpret evidence from the localities in the light of their prevailing general beliefs , so that their conclusions had little foundation in hard evidence .
20 It is true that the Smolensk archives dropped uncensored into German hands in the Second World War , and that Yakovlev is remarkably self-critical of his own party ; but only Makarenko stands outside the Bolshevik view of things .
21 It is true that she has not always got her own way in Cabinet , particularly in the first years .
22 It is true that policy blueprints are rarely carried through perfectly .
23 For surely it is true that whosoever will understand British politics before all things it is necessary that he comprehend the events of 1931 . '
24 It is true that during Margaret Thatcher 's tenure of the Conservative leadership the social basis of the Conservative parliamentary party , the nature of its constituency , and the conflicting philosophies of the ‘ new ’ and ‘ old ’ right provided the subject matter for a wealth of publications .
25 Together they illustrate that , even if it is true that Conservatism harbours ‘ a distrust of the purely intellectual approach in politics ’ , this in itself is an ideological position with important implications in terms of both the theory and practice of Conservatism , and Honderich concludes that ‘ the commodious proposition that Conservatives only have and only favour factual beliefs which have passed the test of time , are empirical and so on , and hence are untheoretical in various senses … needs to be delivered , if necessary by private contractors , to the rubbish heap of history ’ .
26 It is true that Dicey , the LPDL , and later the BCA , allied themselves with the Conservative party , but this was not because they considered themselves Conservatives .
27 While it is true that village women in India have little power or status in society as a whole , Janet misunderstands what lies behind the caring and ‘ fussing ’ .
28 It is true that she was not academic ; this was part of her charm for Lewis .
29 You do n't need guests , you do n't need freezing weather or any other excuse to put pudding on the menu — although it is true that a good pudding shared with like-minded Billy Bunters makes for a convivial party , and if the day dawns cold and frosty it may give an agreeable edge to appetites .
30 It is true that structurally his numbers , with solos and ensembles intermingled , have a freedom and originality that point forward directly to Berlioz and Wagner .
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