Example sentences of "[indef pn] can [verb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 The trouble is that nobody can speak for the whole profession because of the various ways in which the profession is divided .
2 And no one can think of a similar incident on this scale .
3 It is at its strongest when applied to production ; indeed , one can think of the Adornian picture of a totally administered , homogeneous , determining process as the ideal type to which the industry constantly aspires ( though , for reasons discussed above , this state is never actually reached ) .
4 On this basis , one can plot in the tropical belt for most periods of geological time , though the margin of error is such that sometimes they fit in with drifting hypotheses and sometimes they do not .
5 If one can speak of a vocal Achilles heel , then Miss Roocroft 's is still her cloudy diction .
6 In general , one can distinguish between the fundamental conditions of any capitalist system which explain its continuation — private property and market capacity — and the resulting inequalities of wealth-ownership and life-chances .
7 Accordingly , one is constrained in the way which one can refer to the preceding paragraph in the printed document — because one does not know what the preceding paragraph will be .
8 The main road still uses the bridge on the first tier and one can walk along the full length of the water channel ( 168 ) .
9 It seems , for example , very unlikely that world agriculture will be able to do without fertilizers for a number of years to come , although one can dream of a technological situation in the next century where direct nitrogen fixation will have been genetically engineered into plants and the whole nature of the fertilizer business will have changed .
10 So far as one can tell from the scanty evidence available they had been something short of that .
11 ‘ No one can conceive of a revolutionary party saying that it will let enterprises or economic sectors manage themselves , ’ he says .
12 Allowing for the conventions of sedate amenity that governed American reviewing ( as for the most part they still do ) , one can detect in the American reviewers of Eliot 's Poems ( 1920 ) and of The Waste Land ( 1922 ) the same recalcitrance that the British reviewers expressed more cheekily .
13 An analogy would be with the familiar general principle of criminal law that a person can not be guilty as an aider and abettor unless ( in technical terms ) one can point to a principal offender who has committed the actus reus of an offence .
14 With hindsight one can point to the underground man complaining that if he could manage even to loaf and idle around wholeheartedly he would be able to call himself a lazy man .
15 Nevertheless , several groups continued to work on nomenclature problems and one can point to the French Saint-Etienne meeting of 1897 , and the independent work of Hantzsch , Widman and von Baeyer , which laid the foundation of modern organic nomenclature .
16 As regards the first set of causes one can point to the conservative/speculative behaviour of British financial institutions ( discussed in chapter 3 ) ; the failure to develop fully the advanced multi-divisional forms of capitalist enterprise ; the continuing low social valuation of ‘ industry ’ relative to the ‘ liberal professions ’ ; and the relative paucity of commercially-relevant research and development .
17 If this work is apparent it seems only sensible to do it and then try out as good a schedule as one can produce on the real people .
18 One can quibble over the slow speed for the opening movement of No. 1 , which is hardly an Allegro commodo .
19 Of course , as the examples of man , woman , and people illustrate , one can economize in the opposite direction as it were , from grammar to lexis .
20 For example , one can prove beyond a reasonable degree of doubt that a conservation project reduces the rate of soil removal .
21 There is no precise moment or position at which one can say of a particular individual that the child has become an adult or that the man who was outside the house is now inside .
22 There are a number of objections that one can raise to the strong anthropic principle as an explanation of the observed state of the universe .
23 The nearest one can get to a level equivalence is to say that it is at roughly A Level standard , though it differs hugely from any actual A Level examination , and this comparison should not be taken too literally .
24 If we look into the history of Iraq I do n't think anybody can remember in the past twenty years they have contributed anything , neither in the terms of world economy , neither in the world of world peace , or any humanitarian
25 Except in the case of rent arrears , almost anyone can act as a private bailiff .
26 And anyone can write into the managing director who is committed to answering within three days . ’
27 Nowadays , it is rather more garish , a popular halt for coaches , but nothing can detract from the superb views over the rocky coast and lovely sands , the road serving as a promenade .
28 Nothing can happen to a new ship like this .
29 Her friends ' comments are on the level of rhetoric ; no-one can speak on the personal level of hurt .
30 Absolutely anything can happen in the National , as , as was
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