Example sentences of "[indef pn] which [pers pn] [modal v] [adv] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 Journalists on the whole are fairly lazy people , they 're also fairly pressured people , if you give them something which they can virtually print verbatim , they will be enormously happy people and you will increase your chances of actually hitting the news .
2 Under pressure and under personal attack , the planners retreated into a legalistic interpretation of their role , making much of the requirements of various Acts of Parliament most notably The Sewerage ( Scotland ) Act of 1968 which , they argued , obliged them to service all new houses , something which they could only do by concentrating properties in particular places in order to reduce the cost of such an exercise .
3 Yes , but , would , would it have still have been something which we would n't have got any money for ?
4 That , that is certainly , you know , it , that can be , and , and it 's something which we 'll probably look at a wee longer term
5 The difference between a living organism and one just newly dead is that something which we call life has departed , something which we can neither see , hear , smell , touch , weigh or in any physical sense quantify , but which animates and directs the physical organism while it is alive , and gives it the power to counteract the forces of disintegration and decay .
6 reporter to erm again join with him in beating the drum formally so that it moves on the A twelve and the other issues was over , something which we can easily draw attention to civil servant and of
7 For example , the simplest desk-top computer functions through ‘ perceiving ’ shifting patterns of electrons , something which we can not do because we are not aware of electrons in everyday life .
8 Speaking at Bramshott Common , while the TV crew were filming the reconstruction , Sergeant Nickol said : ‘ I am hoping this programme will bring forward something which we can positively work on . ’
9 This is something which we can only discuss vaguely in terms of chance and probabilities , or if we believe in divine determinism dismiss fatalistically as God 's will .
11 We have to look at the application er on its merits in the particular erm circumstances and I 'll tell you something which we will certainly have to do erm and I I will say , I will say this in sort of due respect erm , because we are grateful to them that we can see .
12 One main reason is that I know that the other person thinks I will act as promised and therefore she will do something which she would not do otherwise .
13 Or perhaps he had reason to be content , since Franca had been , perhaps visibly , moved , or startled by his sudden gesture of kissing her hand , something which she could not remember his ever having done before .
14 The eyes were open and Ewan could see that , no matter how objective he tried to be , something lived in this body , something which he would soon extinguish with his own , vibrant , developed persona .
15 She waved to the young man and called out something which he could not catch .
16 Gaby muttered something which he could not hear but whose message he got .
17 However , is the hon. Gentleman suggesting that a system of local income tax would not create economic ghettos and areas in which the Chancellor of the Exchequer and the local Labour authority would have carte blanche without capping — something which he will not allow and which will have to be dealt with through exemptions ?
18 Something which I can positively refute !
19 Lack of ablebodiedness is considered to be a personal tragedy , the overriding feature of Disabled people 's lives and one which we would gladly escape given the opportunity .
20 The disposal of industrial and often hazardous waste is another problem , but one with which we should be equally concerned and one which we can ultimately influence .
21 Nevertheless , in these days of economic stringency and looming closures , the matter of separation at a young age is one which we should not neglect .
22 The resurrection , for people who believe it to have taken place , is presumably an objective fact of history ; one which they can not circumvent even if they would .
23 The Titfords were a little different — Charles Frederick had decided to use his share of father 's estate to set up a modest retail business , one which his mother and sister could contribute towards when he was in London himself , and one which they could perhaps handle efficiently without him when he departed on his sporadic travels around the world .
24 Erm , and I think that aspect of the royal family is one which I would really do without !
25 I also attended the service in the Anglican Cathedral , which was a most moving experience and one which I shall always treasure .
26 ( My 39-cm reflector has five finders , on the theory that the finder you want to use is always the one which you ca n't get at . )
27 ( This idea of media ‘ domination ’ is an important one which you will certainly meet again .
28 But this claim is precisely one which he would not make if he were not certain that p .
29 When he had gone the Feldwebel imitated his accent which he said was a thick Austrian one which he could hardly understand .
30 or jump anything which they could normally avoid .
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