Example sentences of "[indef pn] she have [adv] [vb pp] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 He led her into the bedroom , which was glowing with an intense white light like nothing she had ever seen in England .
2 And she had everything she had ever dreamed of — more .
3 It was the unsettling effect he had on her , making her question everything she 'd always taken for granted .
4 Somehow she 'd been expecting resistance , something she had frequently encountered with Graham Rowell whenever she had attempted anything new , and it came as a shock to find that she and David Markham were on the same wavelength .
5 Brushing out her hair and applying some make-up , something she had n't done for ages , she put on her mac .
6 She even hummed along with the radio as she rattled down the motorway , something she had n't felt like doing in a long time .
7 But since the day when Willi had brought her up here , to his farm , she had won back something she had n't had for years , a sense of balance , of proportion , a sense that there were a great many other things , other people in the world other than Therese Aschmann and her problems .
8 It was something she had n't thought about .
9 If he had spoken of forgiving , or pitying , or even loving , she would have been ready for him , but to be needed was something she had not looked for .
10 The price of her success was something she had resolutely ignored until recently .
11 She could see its possibilities straight away , something she had never seen in those gloomy other chambers .
12 Sitting alone and still grieving , in the one-bedroom bungalow , she did something she had never done in all her 38 years of married life .
13 It was feeling a deep ache of loss for something she had never had in the first place .
14 Here she was with an opportunity to do something for her mother , something she had always dreamed of doing , and she would have to refuse .
15 The one she had n't seen for twelve years , had been ranting about , who never raised a finger to help and left it all to Nancy ?
16 He had spoken in the voice of the army officer he had once been , expecting instant obedience , showing McAllister a man far removed from the one she had now known for over two months .
17 She wanted , more than anything she had ever wanted in her life , to pick up her baby and cuddle him : to feel his warmth , to feel his need for her .
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