Example sentences of "it appear [conj] the " in BNC.

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1 The Lord Chief Justice had said then that it would be wrong for it to appear that the proposals had the backing of the judges or that they had had any hand in their preparation ; and that it was essential that the judges remained at arm 's length .
2 Not least , the absence of any serious rationing of consumer goods , and the large number of exemptions from military service for skilled workers and farmers made it appear that the regime was well in control of developments , did not fear a war on the 1914–18 scale , and was even rather generous in its provisioning arrangements .
3 Examples like these make it appear that the performance of manufacturers ' software can always be bettered .
4 And , further , how does it appear that the testator 's implied request , if it could be implied , or his promise , if that promise alone would suffice , or both together , were intended to cause the marriage , or did cause it , so that the marriage can be said to have taken place at the testator 's request , or , in other words , in consequence of that request ?
5 Mrs. Hamblin had not intended to make it appear that the car belonged to the trader .
6 From the letters we have been receiving this year it appears that the Jehovah 's Witness from Greece Andreas Christodoulou has been passing some of the cards on to his colleagues who are also imprisoned Jehovah 's witnesses , who want to correspond with people in the U.K. Fortunately we have someone in the office who has been able to translate their letters .
7 As will be elaborated now in further contexts , it appears that the underlying reality to such difficulties was , and remains a complex contradiction which the catholic — nationalist alliance has still failed to solve .
8 At the time of writing it appears that the broker in this case has gone into liquidation without making the required payment , and the couple must now turn to the Investors ' Compensation Scheme , which can pay compensation in cases where ( a ) the broker has gone into liquidation , and ( b ) the original investment was taken up about 28 August 1988 .
9 In effect it appears that the pension has been assessed both as income and capital .
10 In this case it appears that the bolts have been placed , not for the purpose of protection , but to create an artificial gangway .
11 Secondly , it appears that the military do not use Range West much .
12 Now it appears that the four main front runners will continue to dominate the scene though we are likely to witness some elbowing in the scrum .
13 In view of the rumours of meetings between it and the underwriters of the Fimbra scheme it appears that the insurers are calling the shots .
14 It appears that the Airborne and Commandos got caught up in the shelling and suffered casualties , dead and wounded . ’
15 It appears that the shelling of yesterday evening was responsible for all this damage .
16 There had been a lot of activity in and around Brigade H.Q It appears that the enemy in front of the Commando positions has started to pull out , possibly due to the Allied advance in the Caen area about ten miles from here .
17 It appears that the German Infantry facing the Marines has surrendered , and now No. 4 Commando Brigade are following up the retreating Germans .
18 It appears that the Airborne are puzzled by the French voices as we move through their positions .
19 It appears that the whole town has turned out to welcome us ; men , women and children are lining the main route through the town , shaking hands with the French Commandos and offering glasses of wine as they walk alongside the column .
20 It appears that the enemy has suffered a major defeat in Normandy with a large amount of casualties and loss of heavy equipment .
21 It appears that the promises of God , his plans for a new beginning for his world , are locked up in a Pharaoh 's palace .
22 It appears that the high level of anxiety created by entering a totally new environment , where everything was strange and unknown , interfered with the animal 's ability to perceive genuine threats and to avoid them .
23 It appears that the baby who did survive was doing maybe two-thirds of the work .
24 Equally , it appears that the Cambridge Board also tacitly accepted that although he was its tutor , Shearman 's personal commitment to the WEA meant that provision of courses in Bedfordshire was arranged through the WEA county Federation and thus exclusively organised by the District .
25 It appears that the administration of exogenous PGs is less effective than endogenous PGs in raising the level of defensive factors .
26 It appears that the surfeit rings in the crystal are compensated for by holes at the lattice sites .
27 In recent years the currencies which have been participating within the E.R.M. have been remarkably stable within the system and it appears that the E.R.M. members benefited from enhanced policy creditability in the eyes of the foreign exchange markets .
28 One of the moments of greatest strain came during the meeting at Ashford Castle in Ireland ( April 1990 ) when it appears that the Germans suggested that the Deutsche Mark should become the single currency .
29 Although climatic changes undoubtedly occurred during the post-glacial , it appears that the principal determinants of regional vegetational change in the Outer Hebrides have been natural soil changes , with widespread leaching , podsolisation , and bog development beginning at about 7000 B.P. From about 5000 B.P. or even earlier ( Bohnke , 1988 ) , human influence has also been an important factor .
30 From the traffic returns , it appears that the mean load per boat ( including empties ) is about 15 tons , and so in order to pass 36,000 tons ( 1906 figure ) 2,400 boats will need to ascend and descend .
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