Example sentences of "it would help [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 As they built in each new feature , they discussed how it would help to defend the castle from attackers .
2 It would help to create a more responsive social climate , enabling them to fulfil their potential and conclude their lives with dignity .
3 They have gone no further than to promise a ‘ modest ’ central contribution if it would help to settle all disputes .
4 In June the European Commission said it would help to fund the Jessi project and the governments of France , the Netherlands , Italy , Germany and possibly the UK are also expected to help .
5 I know it would help to talk to someone but I find it so hard to open up .
6 It would help to regenerate the East Cleveland economy and solve many of the problems suffered by local people having to endure the noise and discomfort caused by heavy traffic through Guisborough 's main shopping street .
7 What with the coffee , it would help to slow down the symptoms even further .
8 If there were more such places it would help to combat the cycle of deprivation that young mothers can get trapped in .
9 It would help to define how widely the term Gypsy applied , and who exactly could be called a gypsy .
10 It would help to build her up , they said .
11 It would help to advance our understanding of each other , ’ Lowell retorted coldly , if you told me who you are . ’
12 Indeed , it would help to ensure the success of his plans .
13 ‘ One reason I continued with my research was the belief that it would help to prevent torture .
14 ‘ I can see that it would help to run the Corporation more efficiently , ’ she said , ‘ although I 'm sure there are artificial intelligences that would be as powerful .
15 Sentences such as : ‘ It would help to have your daughter 's opinion . ’
16 As for Carol herself , she was quite prepared to recall the incident if it meant that it would help to convict the rapist .
17 She just felt it would help to establish some boundaries , and just then she felt they both needed space to get over the incident .
18 Maybe it would help to bring in people from outside , not just in the form of professionals , such as from family planning clinics , but also people like themselves talking about their own experiences of birth control , pregnancy and motherhood .
19 I 've offered , ’ she pointed out , then added , ‘ Perhaps it would help to make up for that other time when I refused to help . ’
20 It would help to emphasize that , contrary to what some West German voters imagine , the pasty-list vote carries greater weight than the constituency vote .
21 When presented in this way the proposed merger appears to be based on clear industrial logic , although it was considered by some to be partly a defensive move on the part of the companies involved ( especially Imperial , which was hoping that , by increasing its own size , it would help to reduce the chance of an unwanted takeover from a third party ) .
22 It would help to reduce the caseload and so permit the conditions of the Patient 's Charter to be met and would make it possible for consultants to be more involved in the routine care of patients , both emergency and elective , and so diminish the responsibilities of junior doctors for service commitment .
23 She had n't known if it had been changed — it was unlikely — but if nothing else it would help to gain him admittance .
24 It would help to know in what way precisely he maligned people , but the child remained as mum as a mute , one hand gripped tightly into a fist , the other holding the mug of cocoa .
25 Central government 's commitment was important , as it would help to instil confidence in the areas concerned , and would assist in unifying the actions of both central and local government .
26 It would help to clear her head in readiness for whatever Lou had to say .
27 If nothing else , it would help to clear her head and , just now , she relished the thought of being alone .
28 It would help to hide the feelings that were too close to his skin .
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